Abbreviation used for each play – with number of suggested potential musical interjections All’s well that ends well (AW-6) Antony and Cleopatra (A&C-8) As You …
Abbreviation used for each play – with number of suggested potential musical interjections All’s well that ends well (AW-6) Antony and Cleopatra (A&C-8) As You …
Toto je spomienka na tichého velikána z Poľska, ktorý celý život spracovával hry Williama Shakespeara, podrobne skúmal hudbu a hudobné nástroje v nich a vytvoril …
(CM242: 35 cues) The most recent contribution to the study of the place of music and dance in this play, in David Lindley’s Shakespeare and …
Dates at the beginning indicate month and year of a review in The Gramophone magazine (and those in curves after the title indicate that the …
† Items so marked consist mainly of commentary where references are to page numbers. The names of Composers are capitalised except where they are mainly …
SETTINGS FOR SHAKESPEARE PLAYS IN MUSIC OF HIS TIME incorporating passages which relate to music and dancing * Indicates that this word will be found …
and other instrumental pieces bearing characteristic titles included in anthologies of Elizabethan and Jacobean music. The rare titles with the wording as it occurs in …
The Spectrum of Elizabethan Comedy The Elizabethan era (1558-1603) was a period of vibrant artistic expression, and one of its defining features was the diversity …