Shakespeare: 7. Index of works by named composers letter N-O-P

INDEX OF WORKS BY NAMED COMPOSERS (or arrangers) of music current in Shakespeare’s time

Compilers of anthologies are not here distinguished from composers, so that, for instance, settings of popular tunes for 4 or 5 part consort can reasonably be considered their own compositions, reflecting John Cutts (CU194) reference to the important contribution to this repertory in the form of keyboard pieces by Giles Farnaby where he notes that some attributed works may be as arranger rather than composer. Titles of works which show the status or rank of a person are listed under family name, e.g. DOWLAND ‘My Lady Hunsden’s Puffe’ under letter H in the list of works by that composer. Where more than one reference is given, full bibliographical detail together with musical incipit will be found under the serial numbers between 1 and 417, otherwise under the number printed in bold.



NEGRI, Cesare Il Canario 609A
c1535-c1605 [Le Grazie d’amore] Corrente 151c
NEUSIDLER, Hans Elslein liebstes, Elslein mein 896
1509-1563 Hoftanz and Hupfauf, lute 893
Der Juden Tanz, lute 166d, 964
Ein niederlendissch Tentzlein 763
Welscher Tanz, lute 894
NEWMAN, Mr.?fl1583 Fancy, lute 777
or Andrew d.1544 Pavyon, C minor, keyboard 1226
NICHOLSON, Richard Cuckoo, consort song 557
c1570-1639 In a merry May morn, consort song 1178, 1441
Jew’s dance (‘The rich jew’), 2 lutes 166c, 215f, 963, 1432
Joan quoth John, consort song 657, (1413)



OBRECHT, Jakob Tandernaken à 3 97
ORTIZ, Diego Divisions on ‘John come kiss me now’ 106b, 747
c1510-c1570 Recercada segunda, lute 1470
La Spagna, viol 506
OSTERMAYRE, Galliard, keyboard 318c, 858
Johan c1560-1621



PADOVANO, Aria della Battaglia à 8 516, 1542
Annibale. c1527-1575
PARRY, John Cavalilly man (traditional, arrangement)
PARSONS, Robert Ah alas, ye salt-sea gods (Abradad) attrib. 1143
c1535-1572 De la court pavan à 5 946, 1508
Galliard à 5 729, 851
In nomine à 7 1510
No grief is like to mine, 2nd part of ‘Pandolpho’
Pandolpho, ‘Pour down, you pow’rs divine’, consort song (also
attrib. to Strogers) 807
A song by Mr. Robert Parsons, consort à 5 648
The song called ‘Trumpetts’, consort à 6 647, 957, 1509
PAUMANN, Conrad Mit ganczem Willen 892
PEARCE, Edward see PIERS
PEERSON, Martin Alman, keyboard 441
1571/3-1651 The Fall of the leafe 1437
Piper’s pavan (after Dowland) 9a
The Primerose 1436
P HALÈSE, Pierre Allemande and galliard d’Anvers 426-7
c1510-1573/6 Allemande Savoye (+ Arbeau) 424
Branle mouresque 1186
Il Burato, gagliarda 845
Galliarde d’Ecosse 1397
The Leaves be green (‘Browning’), variations 154d, 155c, 916
Parade des Bouffons 106c, 566, 735, 1221
Passamezzo d’Angleterre 1220
La Roque, basse danse 501, 837
Les Quercades, pavane 95, 1225
Si pour t’aymer, galliarde 838
La Traditore, allemande 372, 833
Volte 1528
PHILIPS, Peter Amarilli mia bella (after Caccini) 959
1560/1-1628 Aria del Gran Duca Ferdinando di Toscana, consort à 5 1541
Chromatic pavan and galliard, lute, see Pavana & galiarda dolorosa
Galliard F87, lute, cittern, keyboard 863
Galliard (arr. Morley for broken consort) 313b, 1292
Passamezzo pavane and galliard F76-7 225c; 226a, 1287-8
Pavana & galiarda dolorosa, à 5, keyboard F80-1 1289-90
Pavana Pagget & galliardo à 5 F74-5 1285-6
Pavane in G, keyboard F85; (and arr. Morley for broken consort)
313b, 1291-2
Piper’s galliard, (after Dowland), 2 keyboard settings 8, 877
Le Vecchio, pavan à 5 1277
PIERS (PIERCE), Hey, trola there boys there, hunting song 940
Edward. c1560-?1613 Urchin’s dance 191b, 194c, 217a
PILKINGTON, Francis Curranta for Mrs Murcott, lute 687
c1570-1638 Echo, 2 lutes 764, 1071
Go from my window, variations, lute 354f, 898
Rest sweet nymphs, lute song or part song 1046, 1112
Spanish pavane, lute 142a
PLAYFORD, John The Dancing Master. 2 country dance collections (1st edition)
1623-1686 a: Longways for six, b: Longways for four, c: Longways as many as will, d: Longways for eight; e. For six, f: Round for eight, g: Round for six, h: Round for as many as will, j: Square dance for eight, k: Longways for as many as wil, l: For as many as will; m: For four, n: For eight, p: Longdance for three, five, seven or nine couples,
I. l.a Upon a Summer’s day (The garland’; Gipsies’ round’) 701, 1388
2.a Blue cap 1406
3.a Night piece (‘Dance of death’; ‘The shearing of the sheep’) 414d
5.a The Beggar boy 1405
6.m The Parson’s farewell 712, 1347
8.a The New Exchange (‘Durham stable’) 354f
10.a Stingo, or Oil of barley 196b
11.a Whirligig 203b
12.a Picking up sticks 704
14.a Grimstock 184, 980
15.a Woodicock (‘Gigge a goggy’) 203b, 710
16.e Greenwood (‘The huntsman’) 15b, 146b, 904
17.c The Saraband 1391B
22.a Millison’s jegge 367, 978
23.d The Spanish Gipsy (‘Jeepsie come follow’) 143e
25.g Kemp’s jig (‘Rowland’) 967
26.d The chirping of the lark (‘Muscadin’) 39b, 145, 564, 1195
29.d Nonesuch (‘A la mode de la France’) 140, 216b
30.d Daphne, or The Shepherdess 191d, 695, 1453
31.d The merry, merry milkmaids 47b, 49a, 753
32.l Millfield 10f, 154c, 201d
37.h Rose is white, rose is red 1164
39.k Drive the cold winter away 129, 155a
41.h Pepper’s black 120b, 604
42.k The Maid peeped out at the window (‘The friar in the well’) 302c
43.k Halfe Hannikin 405c
44.d Lord of Carnarvon’s jegg 979
45.c Irish trot 953
46.j Fain I would if I could {‘Partenia’; ‘The King’s complaint’} 69
48.k Irish lady (‘Aniseed water Robin’) 952
49.c Nonesuch, 2nd version (‘A la mode de la France’) 140, 216b
53.l. Goddesses (‘Quodling’s delight’) 193, 696
II. 1.c Jog on, jog on the footpath way 405
2.m Heart’s ease 244a
4.a. Jack Pudding 706, 1192
9.c. Lavena 704
12.h. The chirping of the nightingale 56
13.k. A soldier’s life 46, 48c
15.m Cuckolds all a row 698
17.c. Paul’s steeple 1404
18.m. Rufty Tufty 1194
19.a. All in a garden green 15d
20.c. Dargason 176c
23.n. Broome, the bonny, bonny broome 390
24.d. Milkmayd’s bobb 702
33.c The friar and the nun 296
34.a. Chestnut 1305
35.c Paul’s wharf 1399
36.c. Staines morris 57d, 276c, 415b, 1169
37.c. Tom Tinker 366b
38.f. Kettledrum 995A
39.g Mundesse 703
41.c Lady lie near me 698
42.d Lull thee beyond thee 698
44.g Jenny plucked pears 697
45.h Gathering pescods (15d), 16a
46.h Up tails all 276a
48.a Scotch cap 1407
49.p. Step stately 706, 1192
50.a Shepherd’s holiday 1455
51.c Row well ye mariners 403b, 982, 1053, 1426
52.d Gray’s Inn mask (Mad Tom) 130b, 1142
PRAETORIUS, Michael [P Gesmtausgabe des musikalischen Werke; ed. F. Blume,
1571-1621 1928-49 (1960) Terpsichore à 4 – 6. 1612] 1340
Ballet à 4 P268 497
Ballet des bacchanales à 4 P278 62c, 751
Ballet des coqs à 4 P254 561
Ballet des fous à 3 P 632A
Ballet des mateloz à 4 P280 1430
Ballet des princesses à 4 P277 496
Ballet des sorciers à 4 P262 1460
Ballet du Roy pour sonner après P269 718
La Bourrée à 4, P32 [Parson’s farewell] 712, 1347
Branle de la torche à 5 P15 591
Branles de villages à 5 P14 594-9
Branles doubles à 4-5 P4, P12 572-8
Branles gays à 4 P5, à 5 P4 580. 582-4; 585-7
Branles simples à 4-5 P4, P12 570-1
La Canarie à 4 P31 609, 1343
Courante à 5 P81 678
Courante à 5 P123 [Packington’s Pound] 303b, 650, 1346
Courante MM Wüstrow à 4 P150 684
Courante à 4 P151 [Wolsey’s wilde] 9b, 681
Courante à 4 P152 [Light o’ love] 236a, 682, 1345
Courante à 4 P154 [Grimstock] 184, 187, 405a, 683
Courante à 4 P157 [Mrs Winter’s jump] 685, 1348
Courante à 4 P179 209c, 686
Courante à 4 P183 [Bull. ‘Battle’] 584
Courante de la bataglia à 5 P48 514, 677
Courante de Jean Perrichon à 5 P60 688
Courante ‘La Rosette’ à 4 P103 679
Espagnolette à 5 P26 1341
Galliarde à 5 P287 852
Galliarde à 4 P310 852A
La Mouresque à 4 P108 1197
Parson’s farewell, see La Bourrée à 4,
Passameze pour les cornetz à 6 P288 1128, 1234, 1360
Passamezo and Galliard à 6 P287-288 1128A
Pavane de Spaigne P29, 30, see Spanish pavane below
Philou, branle de villages, P14 no 6 599
La Sarabande à 5 P33 1006, 1050, 1344, 1467
Sarabande à 4 P34 1050A
Spagnioletta à 4 P27-8 1341, 1464
Spanish pavane à 4 P30; à 5 P29 142a, 1342, 1466
Volte à 5 P210 (Volte de France) 349, 1531
Volte à 4 P243 1350, 1535
Volte à 5 P223 1534
Volte de tambour à 4 P199 1447, 1536

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