Shakespeare: 7. Index of works by named composers letter B

INDEX OF WORKS BY NAMED COMPOSERS (or arrangers) of music current in Shakespeare’s time

Compilers of anthologies are not here distinguished from composers, so that, for instance, settings of popular tunes for 4 or 5 part consort can reasonably be considered their own compositions, reflecting John Cutts (CU194) reference to the important contribution to this repertory in the form of keyboard pieces by Giles Farnaby where he notes that some attributed works may be as arranger rather than composer. Titles of works which show the status or rank of a person are listed under family name, e.g. DOWLAND ‘My Lady Hunsden’s Puffe’ under letter H in the list of works by that composer. Where more than one reference is given, full bibliographical detail together with musical incipit will be found under the serial numbers between 1 and 417, otherwise under the number printed in bold.



BACHILER, Daniel Almaine no 1, (Monsieur’s almaine), lute 256a, 442
1571/2-1618/9 Mall Sims, lute 332d
The Widowes mite 676
BALLARD, Robert Entrée de luth 1038
c1525/30-1588 Premier branle de la cornemuse, lute 493
BARLEY, William How can the tree but grow? (attrib.) 215
BARTLET, John All my wits hath 106a
fl. 1606-10 If there be any one 15a
Of all the birds, ayre 154b, 298, 362a, 556
Orpheus with his lute 106a, 115d
When from my love 641
BASSANO, Augustine Jew’s dance 166b, 963A
1524-before 1545 Pavanes and galliards à 5 1322-3
Quarter brawles 325b
BATEMAN, Robert Nàglein Blumen, 5 viols 1166A
fl. 1609-18 (attrib.) Stephen Thomas his almaine, see Thomas, Stephen
BAXTER, John. Sacred end galliard 1305
fl. c 1609
BENNET, John Elves dance à 4 195 ii
b1575/1580; fl. 1599-1614 A Hunts-up, catch à 3 302a, 949
BÉSARD, Jean Baptiste Ballo del Gran Duca 1541
1567-after 1617 branle gay 581
BEVIN, Elway Leaves be green (Browning) à 3 154d
BLACKHALL, Adeu, o dasie of delyt 1410
Andrew 1536-1609
BRADE, William [Newe außerlesene liebliche Branden à 5, 1617]
1560-1630 37 Comoedianten Tanz (Coperario) 1144
36 Courante (Robert Johnson) 693, 728
29 Courante 693A
20 Dulcina (here as ‘Türkische Intrada’) 22d ii
38 Heynen sein Tantz (Coperario) 1145
15 [Hollisberrie] Der heilig Berg 912
49 Der Hexsen Tanz (The First Witches’ dance) 160
9 Intrada der jungen Princessinnen 386k
26 Irlender Tantz 313g ii, 955
7 Der königinnen Intrada (Coperario) 1147
10 Mascharada der Edel Frauen (Coperario) 314f
31-3 Mascharada des Pfalzgraffen 1-3 (attrib. Robert Johnson) 452-3, 727-9, 1153-5
18 Maypole dance (3 mal Der Satyrn Tanz) 353a, 1167, 1185
24 Der Mohrentantz 151f, 1190
25 Die Nachtigall 563A
44 Näglein Blumen (Bateman) 1166A
36 [The Prince his] Courant (Robert Johnson) 693
45 Rosen im Frühlinge, oder Prim Rosen 1164
28 Der Rothschencken Tantz (Coperario) 308e iii, 1143
(3 mal) Der Satyrn Tantz, see Maypole dancea bove
16 Ein schottish Tantz 1399
20 Türkische Intrada, consort (setting of ‘Dulcina’) 22d ii
47 Die wohlriechende Viole 386 l
Alman a 3; Almandj a 5 478A, B
BULL, John [MB page in BULL Keyboard music, v.2. MB19] F MB
1562/3-1628 Air 91 1117
Alarm, coranto 80 419
Alman 135 440
The Battell, pavan and galliard 109 526-7
A Battle and no battle (Phrygian music) 108 535
Battle, coranto 106 534
Bonny Peg o’ Ramsey 30 75 546
Bonny sweet Robin (?Byrd, now attrib. to Bull or Farnaby) 65 48a
Duchess of Brunswick’s toye 262 97 300a, 1483
Duke of Brunswick’s alman 142 93 320a, 439
Les Buffons 101 106b
Bull masque, consort 486, 1160
Chromatic pavan: Queen Elizabeth’s pavan & galliard 87 1295-6
Coranto, see Battle, above, and My jewel, below
Country dance 111 709
Dancing gallia, see Thumping galliard
A Gigge, see (Dr Bull’s) My Grief; Myself
Go from my window 123 354f
(Bull’s) Goodnight, alman strain 143 902
(Dr. Bull’s) Ground I and II 102 743-4
Irish toy 112 954
The King’s Hunt(ing jig) 136 125 415e, 941, 983
My Lord of Lumley’s pavan 41 129a 1297
My Lord of Lumley’s galliard 11 129b 479, 1298
Masque (‘Bull masque’) 486, 1160
My Grief (A Gigge) 190 139 985, 1011
My Juell (jewel) (reworking of Coranto F138) 138 141 2a
My Selfe (A Gigge) 189 138 984
New Bergomask 124 545
(Bonny) Peg o’ Ramsey 30 75 346
The Prince’s galliard 113 673
Quadran pavan and galliard 31-2 127a-d 1365-6
Regina galliard I, II, III 132 861a-c
(Bonny Sweet) Robin 128 5 48a
St Thomas wake: pavan (cinque pace) 126a 223b
St Thomas wake: galliard (attrib.) 36 126b 273b, 1328
Spanish pavan 139 76 142a
Thumping (Vaulting) galliard 90 862, 887
Trumpet pavan and galliard 128 1511-2
Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, Fantasia no 1 1520
Vaulting (Thumping) galliard, see Thumping galliard
Walsingham: variations 1 85 44
Welsh daunce (attrib.) 107 51b
The Woods so wilde, see My Juell
BUSNOYS, Fortuna desperata à 3 182
Antoine c1430-1492
BYRD, William [MB Keyboard music, ed. Alan Brown: 1-45 in v.27 and 46-120 in v.28]
1543-1623 [BY My Lady Nevelle’s Virginal Book 1591]
[a2] etc. identification of instrumental works in Neighbour (NB)
See also NOTES under Pavan and Galliard F BY MB
All in a garden green 104 32 56 15d
Alman in C [C2] now attributed to Byrd 117 445
Alman in G [G3] 156 89 444
Alman in g [g2] 163 11 443
The bagpipe and the drone 4f 94f 407c, 526
Barafostus Dream (atrrib.) 201b, 1454
Barelye Breake 6 92 62d, 711
(Mr Byrd’s) Battell; see The (Earl of) Oxford’s march; The bagpipe and the drone; The burying of the dead; The flute and drum; The Irish march; The marche of footmen; The marche of horsemen; The marche to the fight; The morris; The retreat; The souldiers dance; The souldiers summons; The trumpetts; see also Galliarde for the victory
The Bells, ground (By the moon à 4) 69 38 191c, 217d, 539, 1479
Bonny sweet Robin, variations (?Bull, Farnaby) 128 106 48a
Browning à 5 (The Leaves be green) 154d, 916
The burying of the dead à 4 113a 12, 530
By the moon, see The Bells
Calen o custure me, variations 158 15 35 74, 341
Carman’s whistle, variations 58 34 36 53, 60, 122, 403e, 610, 713
Chi passa, see Qui passe
Come to me grief for ever, Elegy on the Death of Sir Philip Sidney 1017
Coranto in A minor, see French coranto no 1
Coranto in C major [C1] 241 11 45 669
Crowned with flowers, consort song 202, 655
Echo pavan and galliard [G5] (attrib.) 114 765-6
Fair Britain Isle, Elegy for Prince Henry, consort song 1016
Fancie in D minor [d1] 41 46 790
Fancie in C [C2] 103 36 25 791, 1476
Fantasia à 4 [4/g] 793
Fantasia à 6 [6/g 1] 768A
Fantasia à 6 [6 ] 768B
The Flute and drum 4g 94g 14, 527, 752, 1122
Fortune my foe 65 6 182, 810
French coranto no 1 [a1] 218 21a 151c, 670, 1242
The Galiarde for the Victorie [G10] 5 95 533
Galliards, see also Pavanes and Galliards
Galliard by Harding, set by Byrd 122 55 859
Galliard’s gigge 18 991
The Ghost, alman, variations 162 78 1475
A Gigg [jig a 1] 181 7 22 302b, 992
Gipsies’ round, variations 216 80 (701), 1388
Go from my window, variations 79 354f
Hornpipe, ground 39 928
Hugh Aston’s Ground, variations 25 20 742
In angel’s weed: Elegy for Mary Queen of Scots 1014
In nomine à 5 [5/5] 336 i, 1007
The Irish march (attrib.) 4e 94e 525, 958
John come kiss me now, variations 10 81 106b, 566, 722
Lachrymae pavane (after Dowland) 121 54 31a
The leaves be green, fantasia à 5, see ‘Browning’
Lullaby, my sweet little baby, consort song 1043
Maiden’s song 125 28 82 494
Malt’s come down, variations 150 (10h), 750
March before the Battell (The Earl of Oxford’s march)
also as consort song, arr. Morley M14 250 3 93 219b. 520
March of the footmen (attrib.) 4b 94b 522, 1119
March of the horsemen (attrib.) 4c 94c 357, 523, 1120
March to the fight (attrib.) 4h 94h 528, 1123, 1504
Mille regrets, variations 1238
Monsieur’s almain, broken consort (arr. Morley) (61) 56a ii, 442
The Morris (attrib.) 113b 531, 1195
My little sweet darling, consort song (wrongly attrib.) 25, 644, 1044
My Lord of Oxford’s masque, see ‘(Earl of ) Oxford’s march’
My mistress had a little dog 374, 483
The Noble Famous Queen, threnody on the death of Mary Queen of Scots 1015
Non nobis Domine, canon à 3 (possible attribution) 76a i, 624
O mistress mine, variations 66 31 83 344
(Earl of) Oxford’s march (My Lord of Oxenford’s maske) or The march before the battle 250 3 93 219b, 520, 1118, 1547
Passingmeasures pavan and galliard [g1] see below
Pavans and galliards, for complete list, see NOTES under that heading
Pavan, Lachrymae setting, keyboard, see under Lachrymae above
Pavan and galliard in A minor [a1] 252-3 14-15 14 308f i-ii, 1314-5
Pavan and galliard in A minor [a2] The Earl of Salisbury 15 1307-8
Pavan and galliard in A minor [a5] (wrongly attrib.) (Pavan arr. of Holborne H35) (q.v.) 173-4 99
Pavion of Mr Bird, in B flat [Bb] 23 1306
Pavan in C major ‘Kinborough Good’ [C2] 20 32a 1316-7
Pavan and †galliard in C minor [c1] 167-8 10-11 29 1309; 241e
Pavan and galliard in F (Bray) [F1] 91-2 59 1309-10
Pavan and galliard in G ‘Echo’ [G5] 114 765-6
Pavan and galliard in G minor [g1]
‘Passingmeasures’ 56-7 24-5 2 1312-3
Pavan and galliard ‘to delight’ (John Johnson, set by Byrd) 1279-80
The Pavan and galliard à 6 viols [6/C] 1378-9
Queen’s almane (‘The oulde Almaine’) [g1] 172 10 320b, 446
Qui passe For My Lady Nevell, galliard 8 19 384
Quoth Joan to John, see Wilson’s wilde
The retreat 4i 94i 529, 1368
Rowland (Lord Willoughbies welcome home) 160 33 7 203a, 365, 1375
The Earle of Salisbury pavan and galliard, see Pavan and galliard [a2]
Sellenger’s round, variations 64 37 84 188d, 201c, 217b ii, 414a, 1386
Soldier’s dance (not authentic) 113c 19, 35, 182b, 398
Soldier’s summons 4a 94a 521, 1505
Susanna fair, voice & 4 viols
Te Deum (Short Service) 76 ii a
Though Amarylis dance in green, as consort song à 5 651
The trumpetts 4d 94d 524, 1506, 1121
Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, keyboard 101 9 64 1521
La Volta (after Arbeau) [G1] 155 91 692, 1349, 1531
Volte L[ady] Morley [G2] 159 90 1532
Walsingham variations 68 31 8 44, 1540
While Phoebus used to dwell, consort song 1015
(Lord) Willoughbies welcome home, see Rowland
Wilson’s (Wolsey’s) Wilde, galliard 157 2 37 9b, 207a
(Will you walk the) Woods soe wylde. 67 27 85 15b, 236b, 915
Ye sacred muses, consort song 1013


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