King John (KJ-1)

(CM105-6 48 cues)

act scene line Click here to find out more about suggested song
I i 0; 225 {Flourish}; [Colbrand, the Giant, that same mighty man?] DO180-3 tune and words of ballad ‘Sir Guy of Warwick’ (110) 116
II i 0; 75 {Flourish} trumpet; Drum beats
200 Trumpet sounds. Enter a citizens upon the walls
299 {Alarum.} Here, after excursions, enter the French herald with {a trumpeter}…
311; 561 Enter …the English Herald, with a trumpeter; {Flourish}
III i 229-30 [Shall braying trumpets and loud churlish drums, Clamours of hell, be measures to our pomp?]
ii; iii 0 Alarum; excursions. Alarums; excursions; retreat.
IV ii, V i 0 {Flourish}; {Flourish}
V ii 63; 116 {A trumpet sounds; A trumpet sounds}
117` [What trumpets thus summon us? ]
155-6 […pale visaged maids like Amazons come trippinjg after drums]
164 Strike up the drums]
180 {Drums beat}
iii; iv; v 0 Alarum; {Alarum}; {Alarum; retreat}
vii 11-12 He is more patient Than when you left him. Even now, he sung.
20-24 [‘Tis strange that death should sing. I am the cygnet to this pale faint swan, Who chants a doleful hymn to his own death, And from the organ-pipe of frailty sings His soul and body to their lasting rest.]
118 {Flourish} trumpet

Komentáre k článku King John (KJ-1) (4)

  1. Hudobné prvky v Shakespearových dielach často zahŕňajú piesne a hudobné odkazy, ktoré dopĺňajú atmosféru a charakter postáv.

  2. Áno, mnohí súčasní skladatelia siahajú po Shakespearových dielach ako zdroji inšpirácie, čo ukazuje na ich trvalú relevanciu.


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