act |
scene |
line |
Click here to find out more about suggested song |
I |
i |
0; 225 |
{Flourish}; [Colbrand, the Giant, that same mighty man?] DO180-3 tune and words of ballad ‘Sir Guy of Warwick’ |
(110) 116 |
II |
i |
0; 75 |
{Flourish} trumpet; Drum beats |
200 |
Trumpet sounds. Enter a citizens upon the walls |
299 |
{Alarum.} Here, after excursions, enter the French herald with {a trumpeter}… |
311; 561 |
Enter …the English Herald, with a trumpeter; {Flourish} |
i |
229-30 |
[Shall braying trumpets and loud churlish drums, Clamours of hell, be measures to our pomp?] |
ii; iii |
0 |
Alarum; excursions. Alarums; excursions; retreat. |
IV |
ii, V i |
0 |
{Flourish}; {Flourish} |
V |
ii |
63; 116 |
{A trumpet sounds; A trumpet sounds} |
117` |
[What trumpets thus summon us? ] |
155-6 |
[…pale visaged maids like Amazons come trippinjg after drums] |
164 |
Strike up the drums] |
180 |
{Drums beat} |
iii; iv; v |
0 |
Alarum; {Alarum}; {Alarum; retreat} |
vii |
11-12 |
He is more patient Than when you left him. Even now, he sung. |
20-24 |
[‘Tis strange that death should sing. I am the cygnet to this pale faint swan, Who chants a doleful hymn to his own death, And from the organ-pipe of frailty sings His soul and body to their lasting rest.] |
118 |
{Flourish} trumpet |
Aké hudobné prvky sú použité v dielach Williama Shakespeara?
Hudobné prvky v Shakespearových dielach často zahŕňajú piesne a hudobné odkazy, ktoré dopĺňajú atmosféru a charakter postáv.
Je Shakespeareova tvorba stále relevantná pre súčasné hudobné skladatele?
Áno, mnohí súčasní skladatelia siahajú po Shakespearových dielach ako zdroji inšpirácie, čo ukazuje na ich trvalú relevanciu.
Môže moderná interpretácia Shakespeareovej hudby zmeniť vnímanie jeho diel?
Moderná interpretácia môže priniesť nové perspektívy a zvýšiť prístupnosť Shakespeareových diel pre širšie publikum.