Shakespeare: 7. Index of works by named composers letter K-L-M

INDEX OF WORKS BY NAMED COMPOSERS (or arrangers) of music current in Shakespeare’s time

Compilers of anthologies are not here distinguished from composers, so that, for instance, settings of popular tunes for 4 or 5 part consort can reasonably be considered their own compositions, reflecting John Cutts (CU194) reference to the important contribution to this repertory in the form of keyboard pieces by Giles Farnaby where he notes that some attributed works may be as arranger rather than composer. Titles of works which show the status or rank of a person are listed under family name, e.g. DOWLAND ‘My Lady Hunsden’s Puffe’ under letter H in the list of works by that composer. Where more than one reference is given, full bibliographical detail together with musical incipit will be found under the serial numbers between 1 and 417, otherwise under the number printed in bold.



KETE, Edmund Barrow Faustus dreame 201b
fl 1609
KINLOCH, William Ground 746, (1425)
KIRBYE, George Up then, Melpomene, madrigal 244d



LASSUS, Orlande de Un jour vis un foulon (Monsieur Mingo) 66d
1532-1594 2 Fantasias, 2 lutes 785-6
Susanne un jour, chanson 870
LAUDER, James The Golden pavan (My Lord of Marche paven) 354g,1409
LEJEUNE, Henri Gavotte à 4 43, 891
fl 1636 Pavane à 6 21a, 40b
L’ESTRANGE, Sir Amazonian masque 17 318a
Nicholas 1603-1655 Apes’ dance at the Temple 486, 1497
Baboon’s dance (Robert Johnson) 27 386k, 485, 1149
Bear’s dance 19 402, 1152
Bull masque (John Bull) 81 496, 1160
Devil’s dance (Adson) 85 161
Essex antique masque 92 1159
The Fairey masque (Robert Johnson) 57 194a, 195 i
The Flat masque (John Johnson) 37 1133
The French Morris 90 1189
The Furies 72 155
Gray’s Inn antic masque 91 1139
Gray’s Inn masque (The Lords II) 23 1147
Gray’s Inn masques I & II (Coperario) 50, 51 308e iii, 1143-4
Gray’s Inn masque (Mad Tom) 99 130b, 1142
The Haymakers’ masque 13 314d, 749
The Humming bachelor 1071
The King’s mistress 108 1140
The Ladies’ masque I 14 103
The Maypole 70 353, 1167, 1185
The Maypole dance at Gray’s Inn 103 1198
Näglein Blumen (Bateman) 44 1166A
The Noble man (Robert Johnson) 55 1141
The Princes I-III (Robert Johnson) 135-7 727/ 1153-5
The Satyr’s masque (attrib. R. Johnson) 56 11, 415a, 1150
The Shepherd’s masque 66 407a, 1450
Standing masque (Fairest nymphs. Gibbons) 102 1139
Stephen Thomas, his almains 102
The Tempest (Robert Johnson) 62 308a
The Temple dances I-III (attrib. R Johnson) 39-41 313g
The Witches’ dances I-II (attrib. R Johnson) 25-6 160; 162, 1458-9
LOBO, Alonso Versa est in luctum, motet 1034, 1463
LUPI da Caravaggio Alta carretta (Aria del Gran Duca) 1541
Livio. fl. c1607
LUPO, Joseph Pavane (attrib.), see Thomas LUPO below
LUPO, Thomas. Fantasias à 3 and 4 29a, 770; 771, 772-6
1571-1627 Pavane a 3 (attrib.) 166a
Shows and nightly revels 1165
Time that leads the fatal round 1166



MARCHANT, John Can shee, virginals (attrib.) 353c, 879, (1089)
1593-1611 Echo, 2 lutes (attrib. Pilkington) 764, 1071
Pavan à 4 1230
MELL, Davis Morisco à 2 with continuo (version of Susato ‘La Mourisque’) 1186
MELVILL, David Hey ho, to the greenwood 908
17c O lusty May 1179, 1442
MICO, Richard Pavanes à 4 and à 5 1250; 1249
MILANO, Francesco da, see Canova, Francesco
MODERNE, Jacques Pavane (‘Il estoit une fillette’) 1381
MONTEVERDI, Il Ballo delle ingrate: Entrata I-IV 739
Claudio 1567-1643
MORLAYE, Guillaume Galliarde, lute 832A
c1515-after 1560 Hornepype d’Angleterre, guiterne’ 932
MORLEY, Thomas M F
1557/8-1602 Air (from Introduction to the Skill of music) 230c
Alison’s knell (Alison) 11 109b
Alman 152 215h, 435, 548
Alman 242 276a
Batchelar’s delight (Alison) 24 607
Can she excuse, or Essex galliard (Dowland) 6 383,879, (1078)
(My Lord) Chamberlain’s galliard, 2 lutes (Dowland) 1069
Come sorrow, come, lute song 1031
La Coranto (arrangement) 22 151c, 296b
De la tromba pavane à 5 (Alison) 3
Do you not know à 3 653
Frogg galliard (Dowland) 10 188b
Galliard, see Lachrymae galliard below 154
Go from my window (Alison) 12 9 354f, 898
Hard by a crystal fountain, madrigal à 6 648
It was a lover and his lass 20
Jew’s dance, 2 lutes (Nicholson) 963
Joyne hands, dance 17 724, 925
Lachrymae pavan à 6 (Dowland) 7 153 31a, 33a, 336e
Lacrymae galliard (Dowland) 154 853
Il Lamento, fantasia à 2 1012
La volto, see Lavolto below
Long live fair Oriana, see above ‘Hard by a crystal fountain’
Michell’s galliard (anon., set by Morley) 16 26b, 850
Mounsiers almaine (Byrd) 15 256a ii, 442
My bonny lass she smileth 1174
Nancie 12 221, 436
Now is the month of maying, madrigal à 5 1173
O mistress mine, lute song (+ keyboard arr. Byrd) 19 336f, 344
My Lord of Oxenford’s maske (Byrd) 14 218b
Pavan & Galliard (Philips) 8, 9 313b, 1291-2
Capt Digorie Piper’s pavan & galliard (Dowland) 4, 5 9a; 8b
Quadro pavane (Passamezzo moderno) 1 273a, 1293, 1359
& galliard (Alison) 2 274a, 1294, 1360
Response pavan (attrib. Alison) 24 1241
The Sacred end pavan (and galliard by Baxter) 1304-5
La Sampogna, canzonet à 2 1456
See my own sweet jewel, canzonet à 3, see Joyne hands
Sing we and chant it, madrigal à 5; arr. solo voice 148d
Lord Souche’s maske (attrib.Farnaby) 23 255a, (326)
Though Philomena lost her love à 3 652
La Volto, consort; virginals 21 313e, 366c, 1533
Will you buy a fine dog 409b, 484
Zouche’s masque, see under Souche
MUDARRA, Alonso Spanish pavane 142a
MULLINER, Thomas The Queen of Scots galliard, cittern 866
MUNDY, John Faire weather, Lightening and Thunder (The Tempest) 789, 1443
c1555-1630 Go from my window (almost same as Morley’s setting F9) 354f, 898
Robin, virginals 48a
MUNDY, William O Lord the maker of all thing 107a


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