The Comedy of Errors (CoE-2)

The extant stage directions do not imply the use of songs or musical interludes

act scene line Click here to find out more about suggested song
I i 135-6 [Hopeless to find, yet loath to leave unsought…] ‘Loath to depart’ motif 24 (28a)
a) DO256-7 RAVENSCROFT Sing with thy mouth…loath to depart, canon à 4
b) DO257 DOWLAND Loath to depart, lute song, vocal line set to same text as a) (28b)
II ii 117-121 [never words were music to thine ear…Unless I spake]
III ii 45-7 [train me with thy note to drown me in thy sister’s flood of tears. Sing siren…and I will dote]
170 [I’ll stop mine ears against the mermaid’s song]
IV iii 22-3 [’tis a plain case: he that went like a bass-viol in a case of leather]
V i 37 […This is some priory…] (Cygnet Theatre information) HILDEGARD OF BINGEN (1098-1179) ‘A Feather on the Breath of God‘ (‘Columba aspexit per cancellos fenestre’ from Sequentia Sancto Maximino (Abbess Hildegard of Bingen Sequences and hymns. ed. by Christopher Page). Tabitha Philipps. Antico edition (1983) no 1 Church music, 1983; ۞CDA 66039 25

Komentáre k článku The Comedy of Errors (CoE-2) (4)

  1. Pre The Comedy of Errors sa odporúčajú skladby, ktoré sú vhodné pre jednotlivé dramatické scény a pasáže v hre, čím sa zvyšuje atmosféra a emócie divákov.

  2. Adaptácia starých hudobných skladieb na moderné divadelné predstavenia môže byť vnímaná ako rešpekt k tradičným umeniam, ale tiež môže byť považovaná za narušenie pôvodnej autenticity diela.

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