Shakespeare: 8. Key to symbols for sources and modern editions of scores and parts

† Items so marked consist mainly of commentary where references are to page numbers.

The names of Composers are capitalised except where they are mainly acting in their capacity as editor.

( ) Symbols in curves represent manuscripts or historic prints without a complete modern edition.

*An asterisk against a reference indicates page number where the contents has no numbered sequence; ms sources which have both numbered sequence and folio pagination are so indicated in the text where both could help identification.

Suggested repertoire traced or identified from recordings.

Lute music is printed as keyboard score unless tablature (/t in the text) is indicated.

‘Virginal Books’ are included for the often interesting harmonisation to the opening ‘statement’ of a popular tune by an Elizabethan composer on which the sometimes much elaborated versions are based. (Naturally the delicate tone of a virginal would have precluded the use of such a keyboard instrument itself in the theatre band of the time). Format for consort material is in score and parts unless otherwise shown (s score; p parts); editions for single instrument and accompaniment will have a separate part for each.

Place of publication is London (Brighton for London Pro Musica, Guildford for The Lute Society, and Leeds for Boethius Press), unless otherwise shown. Single pieces of printed music are not included here but cited in the text. The symbols printed in bold represent a first choice of materials relating most exactly to the specific repertoire as recommended in the survey. Historic composers are shown in capitals and compilers and editors in lower case.

AC ADSON, John. Courtly masquing ayres to 5 and 6 parts for violins, consorts and cornetts. 1621
dash; dash; Walls, P. (I-II à 5: 1-10, 11-21; III à 6 22-31) spLondon Pro Musica EM 3-5 (1977-9)
ACb dash; dash; Born, M. 5 brass, recorders or strings spMusica Rara 1834 (1975)
ACg dash; dash; (19-21 à 5) Greer, David. 2tp+3tn Schott 10812 (1963)
ACr dash; dash; (1, 2 & 9 à 6) Ring, Layton. SSAA/TTB recorders Universal Edition 12574L (1957)
AL Auden, W.H. Lectures on Shakespeare, reconstructed and edited by Arthur Kirsch. Faber (2000)
ALd dash; dash; The Dyer’s hand and other essays 1948; see pp.500-527 Music in Shakespeare. New York, Random House (1948, 1962)
†AR ARBEAU, Thoinot. Orchésographie. Langres (1589)
†ARe dash; dash; translated by Mary Stewart Evans, with new introduction by Julia Sutton (New York,1948) repr, Dover (1967)
†ARb dash; dash; translated by Cyril Beaumont, with a preface by Peter Warlock.. privately printed (1925)
ARd dash; dash; Dinn, Freda. 12 Dances from Orchésographie arranged SA recorders sSchott 11002 (1987)
ARi dash; dash; Illing, Robert. Airs for Capriol set simply for flute or strings. Edition for string quartet
Edition transposed for trebles (treble clefs) Adelaide (1932)
AS The Arden Shakespeare.. Particular volumes
AT Attaignant, Pierre. 7 Livres de Danceries à 4 (1529-1557) LPM AD1-7 (1972-5)
Livres 3-6 edited and harmonised by Claude Gervaise (1550-7)
ATp dash; dash; Pavanen und Galliarden à 4-5; edited by Helmut Mönkemeyer Moeck 3628 (1984)
†B BANKE, Cécile de. ‘Music and dancing’ in Part 4 of ‘Shakespeare stage production then and now, a manual for the scholar player’ NY, McGraw-Hill (1953)/ Hutchinson (1954)
(BA*) ‘Ballet Lute Book’ 1589 (EIRE-Dtc MS D.1. 21, part 1) cf. LSJ ix (1967) and x (1968) (Includes 63 late 16c ballad tunes among which are some alluded to in the plays) see esp. H.M. Fitzgibbon The lute books of Ballet and Dallis in ML xi (1930) 73-4. See also (DY)
BB Barley, William. A new Booke of Tabliture for the Orpharion, 1596. Ed. by Wilburn W. Newcomb as ‘Lute music of Shakespeare’s time’ Pennsylvania State University Press (1966)
Bartlett, John. A complete concordance or verbal index to words, phrases and passages to Shakespeare. Macmillan, 1937 (1982)
BC i Bernstein, Larry. Consort Collection, vol. 1: 39 pieces à 4 rSATB or S/AA/TTB) sLPM Dolce 101 (1987)
BC ii Bernstein, Larry. Consort Collection, vol 2: 36 pieces à 5, mostly SSATB recorders 107 (1989)
BD dash; dash; The Dowland Collection: 23 pieces for 4 & 5 recorders 114 (c1991)
BE Benoy, Arthur W. (14) Elizabethan dances and other tunes. SS/AA/T sOUP (1987)
Bergeron, David M. & de Sousa, Geraldo. Shakespeare: A study and research guide. Univ. of Kansas pr., (1967)
BG Biberian, Gilbert. 6 Guitar solos from Jacobean England. Chester (1980)
BH Bacheler, Daniel. Selected works for lute; ed. and transcribed by M. Long. (Music for the lute, vol. 5) Oxford University Press (1972, 1985)
BI Biancolli, Louis Music in the 17th century; translated by D. Bryant Cambridge University Press (1987)
BJ Bernstein, Larry. The Jacobean Collection, vol. 1: 17 pieces. Tr. recorder & keyboard LPM Dolce 102 (1987)
Bontoux, Germaine. Le chanson en Angleterre au temps d’Elizabeth Oxford University Press, (1936)
BK Bridge, Frederick. Shakespearean music in the plays and early operas Haskell House (1923, 1965)
dash; dash; The Old cries of London New York, AMS Press (1976)
BL i, iii British Library manuscripts, vol. 1. Facsimile. New York, Garland (1986)
part 1. Swarland song book Add MS 15117, c1614-6 and part 3. Giles Earle his booke Add MS 24665, 1615
BN BRADE, William. Neue außerlesene liebliche Branden, 52 masque dances à 5. Lübeck, 1617, ed. by Bernard Thomas. 3 vols. (21 of the dances have concordance with LM) Musica rara (1972)
BNd dash; dash; Thomas, Bernard. 10 dances à 5 (SSATB recorders) (1617 set) sLondon Pro Musica TM 43 (1984)
BNt dash; dash; dash; dash; 9 Masque dances à 5 (recorders) TM 32 (1981)
BO Board lute book, with an introduction by Robert Spencer. Facsimile of the tablature Boethius (1976)
Bontoux, Germaine. Le chanson en Angleterre au temps d’Elizabeth OUP (1938)
Boyd, Morrison C. Elizabethan music and musical criticism, 2nd ed. University of Philadelphia (1962)
†BR Brissenden, Alan. Shakespeare and the dance. Macmillan (1981)
†BS Baskervill, Charles Read. The Elizabethan jig and related song drama. Chicago, (1929); repr. Dover
BUk BULL, John. 10 pieces for keyboard; ed. F. Steele & F. Cameron (see also MB 19) Stainer & Bell, K8 (1960)
BUq dash; dash; 3 Pieces arr. for 2 guitars by Hector Quine OUP (1970)
BUd dash; dash; 4 Pieces from the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book; arr rA + g by J W Duarte Schott 10986 (1969)
BV Bailes, Anthony and Van Royen, Anne. Lessons for the lute Lute Society (1983)
BY BYRD, William. My Ladye Nevelle’s Booke of virginal music. 1591; ed by Hilda Andrews.
(See also complete Keyboard works. MB 27 and 28) (1926)/ Da Capo (1969)
¬ Consort music; ed. By K. Elliott (Collected works, vol 17) Stainer & Bell, (1971)
BYa dash; dash; 9 Dances from My Lady Nevell’s Book Stainer & Bell, K33 (1969)
BYb ¬ 8 Consort songs; ed. by S. McCoy & Bill Hunt Fretwork (1990)
BYc dash; dash; Consort songs from ms. sources; ed. by P. Brett Stainer & Bell, B361 (1970)
BYd dash; dash; 4 Pieces from the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book; arr. treble recorder & guitar by J W Duarte Schott 10987 (1969)
BYf dash; dash; 15 Pieces from the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book and Parthenia. 2nd ed. by Thurston Dart Stainer & Bell K4=CON115=5402 (1969)
BYk dash; dash; 4 Tänze und eine Fantasie für Blockflöten-Quartett; ed by Arnold Klaes spHeinrichshofen N1362 (1977)
BYng dash; dash; Byrd for the guitar; arr. by Nigel North OUP N5800 (1976)
BYnl dash; dash; Byrd for the lute; ed. and transcribed by Nigel North (Music for the lute, vol. 6) OUP (1976)
BYq dash; dash; 3 Dances, arr. 2 guitars by Henry Quine OUP (1969)
BYs dash; dash; 3 anonymous keyboard pieces attributed to Byrd; ed, by O. Neighbour Novello (1973)
C* Chappell, William. The Ballad literature and Popular music of olden time. A History of the Ancient Songs, Ballads and Dance Tunes of England. v.1. 1859. With a new introduction by F W Sternfeld. Dover (1965)
An esssential survey with music of songs and dances in short score. (It has been considered that the Wooldridge revision (1893) (here CW) does not supersede this first edition, and the additional accompaniments provided by Macfarren and in the revised edition by Wooldridge could perhaps be rated as anachronistic). ‘The Reign of Elizabeth,’ pp. 98-243 and in particular, ‘Shakespeare’s use of music’ (pp. 205-239) provide much relevant detail. Repertoire suggestions are given in Long and other commentaries which adapt Chappell’s material replacing the words of ballads current c1600 in favour of song texts as found in Shakespeare.
Cm ¬ 9 Tunes from William Chappell’s Popular music of olden time, arr. for recorders and tuned in 2 or 3 parts percussion by Anne Mendoza Chappell (1969)
†CA Campbell, Margaret. Arnold Dolmetsch, the man and his work. Washington Univ. Press (1975)
Caroso, Fabritio. Nobilità di Dame. Venice 1600; transl. By Julia Sutton OUP (1986)
Caulfield, J. Collection of vocal music of Shakespeare’s time; revised and arranged by Mr,. Addison. See also FV Bone & co. (1898)
CB i-vi Chester books of madrigals; ed. by A. Petti. 6 vols J & W Chester (1982-4)
(CC) Cambridge ms (anon cittern settings) (GB-Cu D.d. 4. 23) Oriel ( )
CCp dash; dash; 12 pieces for cittern from the Cambridge MS D d 4 23. Tablature sheet Lute Society C29 (1997)
†CDe* Caldwell, John. English keyboard music before the 19th century OUP (1973)
†CDh* dash; dash; The Oxford History of English music, vol. 1. OUP (1991)
†CDw* dash; dash; Some Well enchanting skill: music, poetry, and drama in the culture of the Renaissance: essays in honour of F.W. Sternfeld; edited by John Caldwell, Edward Olleson and Susan Wollenberg OUP (1990)
Craig-McFeely, Julia. English lute manuscripts and scribes 1530-1630 [Oxford University thesis] (1993)
CE Criswick, Mary. 12 Elizabethan and Jacobean songs arr. voice and guitar. S&B H147 (1972)
CF CUTTING, Francis. Selected works for lute; ed. by Martin Long . Tablature and transcription. (Music for the lute, vol. 2) OUP N6000 (1968)
CFj dash; dash; 5 Pieces transcribed for solo guitar by Brian Jeffery OUP (1970)
(CH) Cambridge lute book, compiled by Matthew HOLMES c1595 (GB-Cu MS D.d.2.11)
CHr dash; dash; Rooley, Anthony. The compleat beginner: 50 pieces for the first year student (lutenist). Tablature Early Music Centre, Publications Ser 1, no 1 (1977)
†Chan Chan, Mary. Music in the theatre of Ben Jonson. (Includes masque dances printed in score) OUP (1980)
CJ COPERARIO and Robert JOHNSON 8 Masque dances; ed bi Ian Maskell, rSSATB Oriel OL 173 (1995)
CM* Charlton, Andrew. Music in the plays of Shakespeare: a practicum sGarland Publishing (1991). Over 100 pieces in score, including incidental and ceremonial music mostly useable by SATB consort (+keyboard or guitar as optional foundation providing ‘a practical resource for theatre directors of music which is easy to perform where a suitable 16th or 17th century flavour is desired’
CR Collins, Jeff. 21 Renaissance pieces for guitar Schott 11408 (1979)
CS Child, Francis James. English and Scottish popular ballads. 5 vols New York, Folklore press (1882-98, 1904; r1957, 1965)
CT Capek, Jaroslav. 50 Renaissance dance tunes. Treble recorder alone Schott 12266 (1986)
CU* Cutts, J. F. La musique de scène de la Troupe de Shakespeare. The King’s Men sous le règne de Jacques 1er; 2 éd. révisée Paris, CNRS (1971)
CW* Chappell, William. Old English popular music, vol 1 revised by H. E. Wooldridge; see note under ‘C’ (1893)
D DOWLAND, John. Collected lute music: 100 lute pieces; ed. Diana Poulton and Basil Lam. 3rd ed.
Tablature and transcription Faber 10392 (1981)
Db dash; dash; Anthology of selected pieces, arr. for guitar by Raymond Burley Schott 12393 (c1993)
De dash; dash; 4 Easy pieces for guitar; arr. by Karl Scheit Universal Edition 13972 (1964)
Df dash; dash; 50 Songs selected, transcribed, scored and edited by E.H. Fellowes 2 vols. High and Low voice Stainer and Bell, X5A/B, X6A/B (1925)
Dg dash; dash; 6 Songs arr. by Desmond Dupré for voice and guitar Schott 10328 (1954)
Dh dash; dash; 3 Songs, arranged for voice and guitar by Carl Scheit UE 12403 (1955)
Di dash; dash; 2 Songs for soprano, treble recorder and guitar; edited by Siegfried Behrend Bote & Bock 21499 (1962)
Dj i, ii dash; dash; 8 pieces, ed. by Brian Jordan for guitar. 2 vols. OUP 56288 (1972)
Dk dash; dash; Dowland’s dozen; ed,. [for guitar] by Chris Kilvington Ricordi LD686 (1983)
Dl dash; dash; Songs with original tablature and guitar transcriptions, ed by Brian Jeffery. Tecla Editions (1982)
Dp dash; dash; 7 pieces for lute; arranged for guitar by Diana Poulton Schott G211 (1963)
Ds i, ii dash; dash; Solowerke für Laute; ed. by Karl Scheit Universal Edition 16699, 16712 (1985)
Dt dash; dash; Die Beste aus dem Lautenwerke für die Gitarre; hrsg. von Sigfried Behrend Zimmermann 2098 (1978)
DA 1-32 dash; dash; Lachrymae, or Seaven Teares figured in Seaven Passionate Pavans. 1604. Facsimile reprint with commentary by Warwick Edwards Boethius Press (1975)
DA 1-21 dash; dash; Complete consort music; ed. by Edgar Hunt. SS/AATB recorders/viols + lute (Lachrymae & 20 other dances) spSchott 12141 (1985)
DA dash; dash; Lachrymae; ed. by Franz Giegling . Viols + lute spBärenreiter NMA 173 (1953)
DAb dash; dash; Lachrymae (1, 7, 9 à 5; 13, 15-16, 18-21 and lute dances and songs à 4-5) ed by Larry
Bernstein ‘The Dowland Collection for 4 and 5 recorders.’ SATTB, SATB sLPM Dolce 114 (1991)
DAh i-vii dash; dash; Lachrymae, ed. by Edgar Hunt. 7 vols rSAATB sSchott 11557-63 (1974)
(i: 1, 8, 15; ii: 2, 9, 16; iii: 3, 10, 17; iv: 4, 11, 18; v: 5, 12, 19; vi: 6, 13, 20; v:ii: 7,14, 21)
DAr dash; dash; 3 Dances, ed. Konrad Ragossnig for violin/ flute/ recorder (Lachrymae 12, 1, 11) spSchott GA444 ( )
DAw dash; dash; Dances from Lachrymae (8, 10, 13, 15, 21 à 5 and Midnight à 3) arr. brass quintet (1211) by Stephen Wick. spBroadbent & Dunn 10602 (1991)
†Dart Dart, Thurston. Incidental music for recordings of the plays. Marlowe Society. Argo/Decca Records (1960-72)
Dart dash; dash; Points noted from three taped interviews with Prof. Dart conducted by Peter Orr for the British Council.
GB-Lbl tapes O.457-9WR. cf. MB9 for his edition of Jacobean consort music
DB Dublin Virginal Book. c1570. (EIRE-Dtc MS D.3.30. part 2) 3rd ed. by J. M. Ward. Schott 12201 (1983)
DBt dash; dash; 6 Dances for 4 instruments arr. Bernard Thomas sLPM EML 140 (1988)
(editor notes this as early source for harmonically simple pavanes composed essentially to be danced).
DC Dolmetsch, Carl. 7 Consorts from 15th & 16th centuries for 4 recorders. SS/ATT/B sSchott 11541 (1951)
DD dash; dash; 10 Dances of the 16th to 18th centuries. Descant recorder + keyboard UE 14046 (1980)
DE Dolmetsch, Arnold and Carl. A Set of English pieces. Treble/Bass recorder + keyboard Schott 11731 (1954)
†DF Dolmetsch, Mabel. Dances of England and France from 1450-1600 with their music and authentic manner of performance Routledge & Kegan Paul (1949)
DH Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society. A lively shape of Dauncing: dances of Shakespeare’s time. 27th Annual Summer School, ed. by Anne Daye. Book and Cassette D.H.D.S (1994)
DHd dash; dash; Dances for Tudors and Stuarts. National Curriculum. Dance book. Key stage 2 D.H.D.S (1992)
†Dent Dent, Edward J. Shakespeare and music, in H. Granville-Barker and G. B. Harrison A Campanion to Shakespeare studies. CUP, 1945, pp. 137-161
DI iii, iv, v Dixon, Peggy. Nonsuch: Early dance, vols 3-4 Elizabethan dances, parts 1-2; vol 5. English country dances Nonsuch (1986)
DIe dash; dash; 12 English lute songs with original lute tablature and guitar transcriptions by Brian Jeffery. Tecla 0038 (1982)
(DL) ‘Dallis lute book.’ 1583 EIRE-Dtc MS D.3.30 Part I
DLg dash; dash; [19] Songs from the Dallis MS, ed. by Christopher Goodwin. Voice and tablature. 2 vols.
(The English Lute Song before Dowland, vol 1) Lute Society, LSME 1 (1996)
DM Dinn, Freda. Music in ‘Love’s Labour lost’. Voice + rSATB. sSchott RV19 (1968)
DN Dolmetsch, Cecile. 12 Lessons on the viola da gamba Schott 10125 (1950)
DNt dash; dash; Supplement for treble recorder, ed. by Natalie Dolmetsch Schott 10351 (1953)
Dodd Dodd, Gordon. Thematic catalogue of music for viols Viola da gamba Society of Gt Britain (1982, 1987, r1989)
DO Duffin, Ross. Shakespeare’s Songbook: The Bard remastered, with a foreword by Stephen Orgel. Norton (2004)
An invaluable resource providing music of Shakespeare’s time married to texts of 220 songs from the plays
DP Dolmetsch, Carl. Pieces from Shakespeare’s plays. 2 v. SSA/TA/T (+ kybd) spUE12569, 14045 (1958, 1977)
DQ Dinn, Freda. Early music for recorders. [3 Byrd Fantasias; 5 Holborne ayres (see Hb iii)] Schott 11115 (1974)
DR DOWLAND, Robert. Varietie of lute lessons. 1610; ed. by Edgar Hunt. Facsimile and transcription.
(Early lute music, vol.1) Schott 10310 (1957)
DRd dash; dash; transcribed for guitar by John Duarte and Diana Poulton Berbèn E1820B, 1592, 1591, 1693 (1971-3)
DS Dupré, Desmond. 7 Songs by Elizabethan composers. Voice and guitar Schott 6017 (1956)
DT Duarte, John W. Tunes of Queen Elizabeth’s time. rSA+ 2 g pNovello 19772 (1969)
DU dash; dash; A Delight of English lute music; transcribed for guitar Schott GA 224 (1971)
Duckles, Vincent. Music in English Renaissance drama: a bibliography of the primary sources in music and lyrics of early 17th century drama; ed. J.H.Long Lexington (1968)
DV Dawes, Frank. 7 pieces from BM Add MS 30486 (Early keyboard music, vol.3) Schott 5513 (1951)
DW DEERING, Richard and WEELKES, Thomas. 5 Five-part consorts; ed. by R. Nicholson. pJordan (1981)
DX Dolmetsch, Carl. 31 pieces of the 16th – 18th centuries. rS + k Schott 12650 (1964)
(DY) Dublin lute ms. 63 pieces EIRE-Dtc D. i. 21 part 2. Contents list in LSJ x (1968) 15
Dunn, Catherine M. The Function of music in Shakespeare’s Romances. SQ xx, 4 (1949) 391-405
DZ Davis, Alan & Lester, Bryan. 8 English lute songs arr. for rS/T + Ricordi LD690 (1984)
E* Playford, John, publisher. English dancing master. 1651. Facsimile reprint, with introduction, bibliography and notes by Margaret Dean-Smith. Schott (1957)
(Note also the facsimile (without dance steps) and transcription of 1651 edition in RE pp. 37-47; SB usefully attempts to marry the words of folk ballads to the tunes. See also SCii-iv).
Eb dash; dash; Complete country dance tunes from the English dancing master (1651-c1728), ed. by Jeremy Barlow. Faber 507329 (1985)
[The 535 tunes in the first 16 editions, of which nos. 1-113 represent the lst edition 1651].
Ec dash; dash; Folk dances for recorder trio; arr. by Stephanie Champion from the English dancing master sSS/AA Schott 10365 (1939)
Eh dash; dash; 24 English country dance tunes; arr. by Edgar Hunt and Franz Giesbert. rSS/TT 10017 (1939)
Ek dash; dash; 14 Country dance tunes from the English dancing master: Easy settings ed. by Gunild Keetman and Minna Ronnefeld; rSSA + s-dr. sSchott 7405/ SMC77 (1986; R1991)
Em dash; dash; 20 Dances from Playford, arr. by Michael Meech. 2 v rSAT/SSA/SST/SSA Schott 12443 (1995)
Er dash; dash; Play country dances: 67 graded tunes, arr. by Brian Bonsor. rS Faber FM1004 (1988)
Es dash; dash; 10 tunes of old London; ed. by Lynda Sayse; arr for lute Lute Society (1988)
see also SC for the Cecil Sharp anthologies
Et dash; dash; Playford dances: 68 dances in 4 part settings by Bernard Thomas LPM 102 ( )
Ez dash; dash; Alt-Englische Tanzweisen, hrsg. Dietz Degen. rSSA order andere Melodie-Instrumente Schott 4105 (1953)
EF English lute songs 1597-1632: a collection of facsimile reprints; general editor F.W. Sternfeld.
30 vols in 7 series. Scolar Press (1968-71)
Those particularly relevant here: 3 Bartlett (1606); 16-17 Dowland (1600, 1603); 29 Jones (1605)
EL i, ii English school of lutenist song writers; ed. by Edmund H. Fellowes; rev. by T. Dart and D.Greer. 2 series in 29 vols. i: lute tablature & keyboard transcription; ii: tablature alone Stainer & Bell (1920-32; rev. eds 1959-74)
EL LS1-20 English lute songs; current reprints or revised editions of certain of the above as well as new issues; edited by David Greer and others. Relevant volumes to which reference is made in the survey
1-2 1 Dowland i. 1597
4, 13 8 Campion ‘Rosseter’ i 1601
5-6 2 Dowland ii 1600
7, 15 14 Pilkington i 1605
8, 9 15 Rosseter 1601
10-11 3 Dowland iii 1603
12, 14 4 Dowland iv 1612, &c
16 13 Morley i 1600
17 9 Coperario 1606/1613/1614
19 17 Songs from ms sources i (1979)
20 18 Songs from ms sources ii (1979) (nt)
EL ii LS
1-2 5-6 Campion i-ii. c1613 (ed David Scott)
3 Bartlet 1606
4-6 Jones i-iii 1600/1601/1608 (1925-7)
8 10 Danyel 1606 (nt)
10-11 7 Campion iii-iv 16 /1617 (nt)
12-13 Corkine i-ii 1610/1612 (1926-7)
14-15 Jones 1609/1610 (1927)
16 Ferrabosco 1609
17 12 Johnson (ed. Spink, 1970, rev. 1974) (nt)
19 Ferrabosco ms. songs (1969)
20 16 Robert Dowland 1610 (ed. P. Stroud, 1967)
21 19 20 songs from printed sources
(nt – no lute tablature printed)
EM Early Music, references to periodical articles
EMS English madrigal school; edited by E.H. Fellowes. 36 vols. (particular volumes) Stainer & Bell (1913-24)
ESI Elson, Louis C. Shakespeare in music Boston, L.C.Page (1901)
ET Enfield, Patrick. Times past: 5 16th century dances for cittern; arr. for rSAAT Ricordi LD 685 (1984)
F Fitzwilliam Virginal Book. Transcribed by Francis Tregian 1609-19. (GB-Cfm MS 32.G29); ed. by J. A. Fuller Maitland and W. Barclay Squire. 2 v (1-109, 110-297) (1894-9}
Rev. ed. by B. Winogron NY, Dover (1963, 1979)
dash; dash; see alsounder BUd, BYd, FAf and PP Schott 10986-9 (1969)
†Fn dash; dash; Naylor, Edward W. An Elizabethan Virginal book. Dent (1905)/ reprint Da Capo (1970)
Fa dash; dash; 24 Pieces; ed. by Thurston Dart Stainer & Bell 5441= K16=CON 101 (1958)
Fb dash; dash; 6 Pieces; ed. by Denis Bloodworth. rSA OUP 3555506 (1974)
Fc dash; dash; 10 Easy old English melodies and songs; ed. by Harold Craxton OUP (1933)
Fd dash; dash; 13 Pieces; arr. for guitar by John W. Duarte Novello 19441 (1965)
Fe dash; dash; More of these anon; 10 anonymous pieces; arr for guitar duet by J. W. Duarte Novello (1965)
Fg dash; dash; 10 Recorder quartets (SATT/B) arr. by Ward Gardner sMills (1967)
Fm dash; dash; 9 Recorder trios; arr. SAT by Nicholas Marshall sOUP 3577488 (1977)
Fq dash; dash; 9 Recorder quartets; arr. SATB by Nicholas Marshall sOUP (1977)
Fr dash; dash; Spielstücke aus dem FVB; bearb. von M. Raba. rS + k Bärenreiter BA 979 (1969)
Fs dash; dash; 6 Fitzwilliam pieces; edited by O. Swindale. rAA/TT sOUP (1961)
Ft dash; dash; 5 Pieces; ed by Stanley Taylor for SATB recorders OUP (1962)
FARNABY The Complete keyboard music. See MB24
FAd dash; dash; 17 Pieces newly transcribed by Thurston Dart Stainer & Bell 5422 (1957)
FAf dash; dash; 6 Pieces. arr by John W Duarte. rA + g Schott 10988 (1969)
FAg dash; dash; 5 Pieces for guitar; ed. by J. W. Duarte Schott GA 220 (1965)
FAm dash; dash; 8 Pieces, arr. by Dom Gregory Murray. rSAT sSchott 11565 (1954)
FD Folger Shakespeare Library. ‘Dowland lute book.’ c1600 (US-Ws V.b.280; olim Ws 1610.1)
Facsimile edition Leeds (1976)
see also WM cf JLSoA ix (1967) 4-29; an Inventory appears on pp. 18-29
FE Ferguson, Howard. Early English keyboard music; an anthology, vol. 1 (19 pieces) OUP (1971)
FH Fallows, David. Henry VIII as composer; see under the introduction to the play ‘Henry VIII’
FL i-iv Fellowes, Edmund H. 40 Elizabethan songs; ed. and arr. with original accompaniments. 4v. Stainer & Bell 3999-4002 (1921-5)
Finney, Gretchen. Musical backgrounds for English literature 1580-1650 New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press (1962)
Fox, Levi. The Shakespeare Handbook Bodley Head (1987)
†FU Furness, Horace Howard, editor. New Variorum editions of Shakespeare. Philadelphia, Lippincott
Furnivall, Frederick J. Ballads from the manuscripts of Shakespeare. 2 vols London (1868), Hertford (1873)
FV French, Samuel, publisher. Vocal music to Shakespeare’s plays. 27 vols. Samuel French (1922-5) (Certain volumes mentioned here as they have particular material which has been used by tradition which it is thought may date back to Elizabethan times, some of which first appeared in Caulfield, q.v.).
Vol. 1: ‘As you like it’ (n.d.). Vol. 6: Twelfth Night )11990). Vol. 8: ‘Hamlet.’ (1922). Vol. 15: ‘Merry
Wives of Windsor’ (1924). Vol 19: ‘Cymbeline’(1925). Vol 20: ‘King Lear’ (1925). Vol. 25: ‘Winter’s
Tale’ (1925). Vol. ‘Two noble kinsmen’ (1990)
G* Gibbon, John Murray. Melody and the lyric. (tunes and words only) J.M. Dent (1930)
(especially pp. 41-46, 99-133, though later commentators have suggested using certain other Elizabethan tunes included here to which they have underlaid Shakespeare song texts)
†G7 i-xxx The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians; 2nd ed. by Stanley Sadie. 30 vols. Macmillan (2000)
GA Gammie, Ian. Trios from Shakespeare’s day, STB (alternative clefs for clefs for viols and recorders) Corda (1991)
GD Gervaise, Claude. 3 Dances, ed. and arr. brass quintet by Peter Reeve. Chester 55015 (1975)
GE Gervers, Hilda. English court and country dances (for keyboard) of the early Baroque from US-NYp
Drexel 5612 ms. completed c1620-1660 (10 almans, 4 corantos, 3 pavans, a galliard, 8 toys, 3 sarabands, a jig). American Institute of Musicology, CEKM 44 (1982)
GH GIBBONS, Orlando. 8 keyboard pieces, ed. by G. Hendrie (see also MB20) S&B, K26=3410a (1967)
GHg dash; dash; 18 short dances; ed. by Margaret Glyn and revised by Thurston Dart S&B 3026 (1925)
†GI Gurr, Andrew and Ichikawa, Mariko. Blackfriars and its famous consort of musicians. OUP (2000)
GJ Greer, David Shakespeare’s provoking music, see CDw 79-90
GL Gaskell, Elizabeth 3 Lullabies, arr SSATB recorders Oriel 226 ( )
dash; dash; 5 Tudor consorts; ed. for 5 recorders by Brade. Oriel 144 ( )
†Gooch Gooch, Bryan D. S. and Thatcher, David. A Shakespeare music catalogue. 5 vols. (In this survey their numeration is preceded by G within square brackets) Oxford, Clarendon Press (1991)
Goodwin, Christopher (ed.) The 8 lute pieces from British Library ms. RA58 Lute Society (1995)
†GPs i-v Granville-Barker, Harley. Prefaces to Shakespeare. 5 vols Sidgwick & Jackson (1927-48)
†GPc i-vi dash; dash; 6 vols Batsford (1963-82)
†GPd i-ii dash; dash; 2 volume edition Batsford (1963)
dash; dash; and Harrison, G. B. A Companion to Shakespeare studies; see Dent. Shakespeare and music, above
GR Greenberg, Noah. An Elizabethan song book: lute songs, madrigals, rounds Faber (1957)
GS dash; dash; and Maynard, Paul. Anthology of early Renaissance music Dent (1975)
GT Giesbert, F.J. Tanzbuch der Renaissance für 2, 3 oder 4 Gitarre (esp. Phalèse 1583) Schott GA227 (1969)
†Gurr* Gurr, Andrew The Shakespearean stage 1574-1642, 3rd ed. Cambridge Univ. Press (1992)
H HOLBORNE, Anthony. (26) Pavans, (26) galliards, (6) almains, and other short aires for viols, violins or other wind instruments (recorders/2 cornetti and 3 sackbuts). 1599 (65 pieces including 5 corantos) for 5 instruments.; ed. by Bernard Thomas. Also 29 sets of pavans and galliards separately issued as H1021-1049 spLondon Pro Musica. AH1 (1980)
Ha i, ii dash; dash; ed. by R P Block. 2 vols (1-32. 33-65) (brass -23- or l22-) spMusica rara MR 1301-2 (1971)
Hb i-iii dash; dash; (17-20, 59, 61; 11, 49, 50, 57, 63; 10, 12, 34, 53, 62) Quintets; ed. Barrington. rSSATB, 3v. sSchott 11588-90 (1955-6)
Hc dash; dash; (25-28,60, 65) ed. for SS/AA/TTB recorders by Helmut Mönkemeyer Moeck Zfs 563-4 (1986)
Hd dash; dash; (46, 58-59, 63-64) Suite transcribed and ed. by Thurston Dart; arr. by E. Siebert for brass quintet; rev. ed. OUP (1962)
Hf dash; dash; (23, 24, 31, 56, 58) The Fruit of love and 4 other quintets; ed. by Edgar Hunt. rS/AATTB. sSchott 11528 (1969)
Hg dash; dash; (9, 14, 15, 17, 37, 38, 40, 46, 57, 59, 60, 63, 65) Music in four parts for viola, recorders or other melody instruments; ed. by Ian Gammie. AA/TT/B sGolden Phoenix (1969)
Hh dash; dash; (13-16) 2 Pavanes and 2 Galliards; ed. by Edgar Hunt. rSAATB sSchott 1518 (1963)
Hi dash; dash; (29, 30, 35-38) Mens innovata and other pavans and galliards; ed by Edgar Hunt. rSAATB sSchott 11436 (1983)
Hl dash; dash; (19, 20, 59, 61, 65) Dances; ed. by A. Davis and B. Lester. rSS + g Ricordi LD 712 (1985)
Hm dash; dash; (1, 29, 33, 37) 4 Pavans transcr. for S/AATTB recorders by Roy Marks. spOriel Library OL 132 (1985)
Hn i, ii dash; dash; (5, 10, 23-8; 46, 55-65) Pavanes and Galliards, 2 vols. ed by R Nicholson. rSSATB. pCambridge, Jordan (1977, 1985)
Hp dash; dash; (39, 40, 42, 55, 60, 65) Suite for 5 recorders SAATB ; ed. by Parkinson and Zweers sSchott 11555 (1952)
Hq dash; dash; (3, 4, 32, 56) Dances grave and light for 5 recorders S/AAA/TTB Galaxy (AR Soc ed 58) (1967)
Hs dash; dash; (22, 46, 58-61, 63) Suite of Elizabethan dances; ed for 5 brass by G.R. Schwarz NY, AMP (1975)
HB dash; dash; Music for lute and bandora; ed by M. Kanazawa (AH Complete works, v.1) Harvard UP (1967)
HBj dash; dash; 5 Pieces transcribed for guitar from the lute tablature by Brian Jeffery OUP (1970)
HC dash; dash; Music for cittern; ed. by M. Kanazawa (AH Complete works, v.2). Harvard UP (1973)
HD Holman, Peter. 9 Dances from the Court of Queen Elizabeth for recorder ensemble. SS/AA/TB
flutes/ viols/ shawms/ cornetti & sackbuts Corby, Earlham Press, EP1008 (1983)
HE Henry VIII. 6 Pieces for 3 recorders (SAT); ed. and arr. by C Dolmetsch Universal Edition 12623 (1961)
(See also MB18 Music at the Court of Henry VIII)
HEd dash; dash; 6 Dances from the Court of Henry VIII spLPM EML157 (1989)
HEf dash; dash; Rose without a thorn: The King in love and grief; selected and edited by Elgar Howarth: 7 pieces for brass quintet (2 trumpets, horn, trombone and tuba) spChester (1985)
HF Hodgson, Martin. 7 Easy pieces by Elizabethan composers transcribed from the lute tablature for guitar Leeds, Regina music (1971)
HG Haussmann, Valentin. 8 Polish dances 1603 and Praetorius Terpsichore: 6 branles à 5 LPM Renaissance band v.6 (1978)
HH Hardy, T. Maskell. The Songs from Shakespeare’s plays set to old tunes. 2 vols. Curwen (1947, 1954)
HL Hoole, Raymond Justin. The dramatic effect of music, song and dance in Shakespeare’s comedies. MA Dissertation University of South Africa (1985)
HM Davison, Archibald and Apel, Willi. Historical anthology of music, vol. 1; revised edition Harvard University Press (1949)
Hoseley, Richard, Was there a Music room at Shakespeare’s Globe? article in SS 1960 pp. 113-123
HN Howarth, Elgar. English dances of the 16th century; arr brass (2 tru, hn, tro, tu) Novello 120452-01 (1976)
HO Hunt, Edgar. 50 Old English folk dance airs. rS Schott 10007 (1939)
HP dash; dash; (11) Dances from the 16th century (Susato, Attaignant and Praetorius) rSATB Schott 11490 (1983)
HR Holst, Imogen. 6 Shakespeare songs; arr. for recorder trio (SAT/SSA/SST/SAA) Schott 10044 (1941)
HS Harbage, Alfred. 11 Shakespeare’s songs (some unaccompanied; other with keyboard) Macrae Smith (1970)
Hartnoll, Phyllis Shakespeare in music; see Stevens, John. Music of the Elizabethan stage
HT Harwood, Ian. 10 Easy pieces for the lute Tablature and transcription. Cambridge, Gamut (1962)
HU Hunt, Edgar. (12) Elizabethan dances and ayres rS + k Schott 10037 (1940)
†HV* Holman, Peter. Four and twenty fiddlers: the violin at the English court 1540-1690 OUP (1993, 2002)
HW Hotson, Leslie. Shakespeares Wooden O. Hart-Davis (1959)
HZ Hodgson, Martyn. Easy pieces by Elizabethan composers for lute; arr. for guitar Leeds, Regina Music (1971)
Hume, Tobias. lst part ofAyres 1605 and Poeticall musicke, 1607 fScolar (1969)
I Iadone, Joseph. Masterpieces of early music; ed. and transcribed for 2 guitars NY, Associated Music Publishers (1975)
Janowitz, Henry C. The transformation of music in the romances of Shakespeare, in Journal of The Royal Society of Medicine, 2001, vol. 94, pp. 541-3
JJ JOHNSON, John. Collected lute music, transcribed by W.J. Burgess. Lübeck, Tree Edition (2001)
JJg dash; dash; The lute works, transcribed and edited by John Ward, adapted for guitar by Matanya Ophee Columbus, Editions Ophee (1994)
Ja JOHNSON, Robert. Complete works (15) for solo lute; ed. by A. Sundermann. (Music for the lute, vol. 4) OUP (1970, 1989)
Jeffery lists a further 16 pieces attributed to him by John Cutts and others. EM ii (1974) 105-9
see also article by Peter Holman ‘New sources of music by Robert Johnson’ LSJ 20 (1978) 43-5
Jb dash; dash; Bühnentänze und Tanzlieder aus der Zeit Shakespeares; ed. by Hilmera. (rSAB; rS + k) Celle, Moeck 386-7 (1991)
dash; dash; Ayres. Songs and Dialogues. Lute songs. See EL (ii 17) 12; dash; dash; 8 masque dances, see COPERARIO
JAMS Journal of the American Musicological Society (particularly articles by John M. Ward)
JE Jeffery, Brian. Elizabethan popular music for lute. (Music for the lute, ed. David Lumsden, vol 1) OUP (1968)
JG dash; dash; 6 Elizabethan duets transcribed for 2 guitars from the original version for 2 lutes OUP (1970)
JR dash; dash; Renaissance popular music: 6 English and Scottish pieces transcribed from the lute tablature for guitar. OUP 57382 (1972)
JLSoA Journal of The Lute Society of America. (particularly for the many relevant articles by John M. Ward)
K Kines, Tom. (36) Songs from Shakespeare’s plays and (30) popular songs of Shakespeare’s time. Voice and chord symbols NY, Oak Publications (1964)
Ka Kermode, Frank. The Age of Shakespeare Weidenfeld (2004)
Ke dash; dash; Shakespeare’s language, Lane/Penguin (2000)
Km Kimmins, Mrs G.T. Songs from the plays of Shakespeare with dances Novello (1911)
L& Lindley, David. Shakespeare and music A & C Black/ Arden (2006); Dodo (2008)
L Long, John H. Shakespeare’s use of music: a study of the music and its performance in the original production of seven comedies (As; LLL; MND; MoV; Mu; TGoV; TN) University of Florida Press (1955, 1977)
LF dash; dash; Shakespeare’s use of music. The final comedies (AW/ Cym/ MfM/ Per/ ToS/ Tem/ WT) Da Capo (1977)
LH dash; dash; Shakespeare’s use of music. The histories and tragedies (includes T&C; excludes John) (1971)
(LM) Le Strange, Sir Nicholas. 139 masque dances GB-Lbl Add MS 10444, part. 2. c1624. Treble and bass.
(There are also a few items from Part l of the ms, and these are so indicated as LM i .. Complete transcription of Part 2 in SA, there as nos. 52-191). As well as those given below, see also anthologies BC i-ii, BJ, BNd, BNt, Db, DBt, MB1f, Pg, SU, SUb, SZ, SZl, TB, TC, TR where often larger consort settings of the same dances will be found. Cf article by Jean Knowlton ‘Dating the masque dances in BL
Add. 10444.’ BMQ32 (1968) 99-102. For further background on this enterprise see HV186-192
LMb dash; dash; (19, 47, 50; 10-12; 51, 93-5) 10 masque tunes arr. in 3 suites; ed, by G. Beechey. rS + k Schott 12299 (1988)
LMh dash; dash; (19, 25-6, 42, 50, 56-8, 85, 104, 108-111, 115) Masque music, ed. by O. Hirsch.
(recorders/ viols/ broken consort à 3-5) Hansen (1964)
LMw i dash; dash; (9, 25-6, 37, 48-51, 53, 56, 101-2, 108-110, 114, 119-121, 131, 138) 21 Masque dances; ed by
P. Walls and B. Thomas. vn/tr-v/r/co/rS/A + bc (b-v/vc/curtal/sa/tbn + lute/theorbo/organ/harpsichord) spLPM EM 2 (1974)
LMw ii dash; dash; (6-7, 14-6, 22-4, 34, 54-5, 57, 61-2, 67, 72-7, 86, 104, 112, 132) 25 Masque dances (vn/tr-v/r/co Henry VIII. 6 Pieces for 3 recorders (SAT); ed. and arr. by C Dolmetsch Universal Edition 12623 ( )
LMz dash; dash; (4-5, 17-9, 53, 55, 64, 82-3, 85, 108, 112) 13 Jacobean masque dances; ed. by P. Zweers and M. Pope. rA + g Schott 12193 (1985)
Lomax Lomax, Marion. Stage images and traditions. Shakespeare to Ford Cambridge University Press (1987)
Lord Lord, Suzanne. Music from the age of Shakespeare: a cultural history Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut (2003)
LPM London Pro Musica. (giving edition number for a specific title rather than an anthology)
LR Lundgren, Stefan. Englische Duette für 2 Renaissancelauten. Tablature. 4 vols. 2nd ed. (priv. prin.) Ungerstraße 135, D8000 Munich (1988)
LS (English) Lute song series, see EL LS…
LSME English lute song before Dowland. Voice and tablature Hebden Bridge, Lute Society (1997)
LSoc Lute Society Tablature sheets; Lute Society Publications
LSJ The Lute: Journal of the Lute Society. Articles in the periodical.
LU Lumsden, David. An anthology of English lute music. Transcription of 38 pieces c1600.
(Schotts Early lute music, vol. 2) Schott 10311 (1954)
by the author of the Cambridge University dissertation ‘The sources of English lute music’ 1540-1620 (1955) 2 vols. vol 1. Thematic catalogue; vol. 2.Composer and title indexes (Over 1500 pieces grouped into duple and triple metre, subdivided by form).
dash; dash; editor. Music for the lute, 7 vols, see under Bacheler, Byrd, Cutting, Robert Johnson, Pilkington and Simpson (ed.) OUP
LW i-ii Lumley part books. c1550 Lbl Royal App 74-6 (Mostly easy pavan and galliard pairs). 14 Elizabethan dances transcr. by Theo Wyatt. rS/AATB. (2 v) reissued in 1 see also MB44. spOriel OL (137, 140) 122 (1986)
LWd dash; dash; 2 Pavans, 5 viols Gamut (1970)
LWe dash; dash; 5 Dances à 5 LPM EML291 (c1996)
M Morley, Thomas. Consort Lessons. 1599; ed by W. Casey sWaco, TX, Markham Press (1982)
dash; dash; ed by Sydney Beck. (25 consorts à 5, tr-v, fl/re, b-v, lute, cittern, pandora) sNY, Peters (1959)
Md dash; dash; 2 Consort lessons; ed. by Thurston Dart (Allison’s knell & Go from my window) Stainer & Bell (1957)
MA Malin, Don. A Shakespeare song book for voices and recorders. (5 relevant vocal items (3 SATB; 2 solo) and 5 instrumental (SS & k) sNew York, Belein Mills (1964)
Musica britannica series sStainer & Bell
MB i The Mulliner Book. 1555; 2nd ed. by Denis Stevens 4017 (1954)
MB 1a dash; dash; 12 pieces; ed. by Frank Dawes. Early keyboard music, vol. 2 Schott 5512 (1951)
MB 1d dash; dash; 10 pieces arr. by John W. Duarte for recorder and guitar sNovello 19504 (1966)
MB 1f dash; dash; 4 pieces; ed. for 4 instruments (SATB) sLPM EML109 (1987)
MB l s dash; dash; 35 pieces; ed. by Denis Stevens K3 (1974)
MB 1t dash; dash; 3 Trios from the Mulliner Book; arr. by Frank Dawes. rSSA sSchott 11544 (1951)
MB iv Stevens, Denis. Mediaeval carols. 2nd ed. 404 1 (1958)
MB ix Coates, William and Dart, Thurston,. Jacobean consort music. 2nd ed. 409 2 (1971)
MB 9s dash; dash; selection of 5 Fantasias and 2 dances of 3 parts. Book 1. rSAB or ATB viols pH132 (1972)
MB xv Elliott, Kenneth. Music of Scotland, 1500-1700 (1957)
MB xviii Stevens, John. Music at the Court of Henry VIII,. 2nd ed. [transcrr.of GB-Lbl Add MS 31922] 417 3 (1969)
MB18s dash; dash; Part-Songs from the Court of Henry VIII. 2nd edition B331 (1962)
(The King himself and Cornysh are well represented in consorts à 3-5 voices &/or instruments)
MB18d dash; dash; 6 Dances from the Court of Henry VIII à 4 LPM EML157 (c1999)
MB ixx BULL, John. Keyboard music, vol. 2; ed. by J. Steele and F. Cameron; rev. ed. by T. Dart. 4181 (1970)
MB19s dash; dash; 12 Pieces transcribed and edited by T. Dart; selected by Jonathan Steele K26 (1977)
MB xx GIBBONS, Orlando. The complete keyboard music, 2nd ed. (1967)
MB xxii Brett, Philip. Consort Songs transcribed and edited by P. Brett, 2nd ed. (1974)
MB xxiv FARNABY The Complete keyboard music; ed. by Richard Marlow. 2nd ed. (1974)
MB xxvii, xxviii BYRD, William. Keyboard Music; ed. by Alan Brown. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 384 3, 426 2 (1976)
MB xxxvi Stevens, John. Early Tudor songs and carols (1975)
MB xl Edwards, Warrick. Music for mixed consort; rev. ed. reprinted with corrections (1985)
(1-15 The Walsingham 1588, and 16-34 Holmes c1596 consort books)
MB xliv, xlv Doe, Paul. Elizabethan consort music. 2 vols. 520 X, 662 1 (1979, 1988)
(includes the Lumley part books; also available in a recorder consort edition, see LW)
MB liii-iv Greer, David. Collected English lutenist part songs, 2 vols (1987)
MB lv Brown, Alan. Elizabethan keyboard music (1989)
MB lxvi Caldwell, John. Tudor keyboard music, c1520-80 (1995)
MB lxxv PHILIPS, Peter. Complete keyboard music; ed. by David J. Smith (1999)
MC Murray, Gregory. 8 consort pieces for recorder quartet spFaber (1982)
†ME Maynard, Winifred. Elizabethan lyric poetry and its music OUP (1986)
0 see especially ‘Ballads, songs and masques in the plays of Shakespeare’ pp.151-223
MG Murray, Gregory. Music of Shakespeare’s time. rS + k. (Bull, Byrd, Farnaby and others) Schott 10618 (1968)
†MH Mellers, Wilfred. Harmonious meeting: a study of the relationship between English, music, poetry and theatre c1600-1900. Dobson (1965)
†MJ dash; dash; The Masque of Orpheus. Manchester UP (1987)
†MI Minor, Andrew. Music in Medieval and Renaissance life. University of Missouri Press (1964)
*MK Moffat, Alfred The Minstrelsy of England; notes by Frank Kidson Bayley and Ferguson (1901)
Munrow, David. The instruments of the Middle Ages and Renaissance OUP (1976)
†ML Music and Letters, reference to periodical articles OUP
†MM Manifold, J.S. The Music in English drama from Shakespeare to Purcell. Rockliff (1956)
MN Mönkemeyer, Helmut. Musik aus dem Frübarock. rSSA sSchott 4676 ( )
MO-S Moncur-Sime, A.H. Shakespearwe: his music and so0ng, 3rd edition Kegan Paul ( )
MP, MPs Maas, Martha. English pastime music 1630-1660; anthology of keyboard pieces. (83 popular titles from
and MPf anthologies compiled by R. Creighton F-Pn Rés 1186, 1186 bis and 1185) Yale Collegium musicum, 2nd ser, v 4 (1974)
†MQ Musical Quarterly. reference to periodical articles New York, Schirmer
†MS 1-36 Miller-Schutz, Chantal. Music at the New Globe. Early Modern Literary studies 7.1 Special issue 8 (May 2001)
†MT The Musical Times; reference to periodical articles Novello
The Mynshall lute book Boethius (1975)
†N& Naylor, Edward W. Shakespeare and music, with illustrations from the music of the 16th and 17th centuries.
Revised edition J M Dent (1931)
(First comprehensive attempt to interpret the bald musical stage directions, with appendix (pp.179-203) of about 40 musical examples in short score illustrating the musical allusions in the plays).
†N dash; dash; Shakespeare music; music of the period. Second edition, with an Appendix Curwen (1928); Da Capo (1973)
dash; dash; An Elizabethan virginal book (see under †Fn)
†NA New Arden edition of Shakespeare’s works. Particular volumes Methuen (1951-)
†NB Neighbour, Oliver. The consort and keyboard music of William Byrd Faber (1978)
†NC New Cambridge edition of Shakespeare’s works CUP (1984-)
Negri, Cesare. Le Gratie d’Amore. Milan 1602. Facsimile Bologna, Forni (1969)
ND Newman, Joel. 12 sixteenth century Italian dances [à 4] recorders Penn State University (1966)
NM North, Nigel. Music for lute (14 arrangements by Byrd’s contemporaries) OUP (1976)
†NN Nosworthy, J.M. Music and its function in the romances of Shakespeare. SS xi (1958) 60-9
†NOHM iv New Oxford History of music, vol 4. The age of humanism, 1540-1630, ed. by Gerald Abraham OUP (1968)
†NR Noad, Frederick. Renaissance guitar. (lute material arr.) Ariel Music (1974)
(55 pieces, including 8 ayres, voice + guitar and a sprinkling of French, Spanish & German dances)
†NS Noble, Richmond. Shakespeare’s use of song, with the text of the principal songs OUP (1923)
NT i, ii North, Nigel. Tablature for 2 lutes, vol. 1: Duets by anon. Elizabethan composers. S&B B483 (1983)
dash; dash; vol 2: Duets by (named) composers S&B B484 (1983)
dash; dash; vol 3: see ST
OBEM The Oxford Book of English madrigals; edited by Philip Ledger OUP (1978)
OC Oxford companion to Shakespeare; ed. by Michael Dobson and Stanley Wells OUP (2001)
OE Ohlson, Oscar and Spencer, Robert. Elizabethan duets arr. 2 guitars; rev. ed. S&B H146 (1973)
OL Library of music for recorders, see under Gaskell, Market Drayton, Oriel
†OS Oxford Shakespeare. Particular volumes OUP (1982-)
†OT Oxford history of the theatre; ed. by John Russell Brow OUP (1995)
P PRAETORIUS, Michael. Gesamtausgabe der musikalischen Werke, Bd xv; bearbeitet von Ernst Kallmeyer. Terpsichore.1612. Leipzig, Günther Oberst (1929)
P i-vi dash; dash; Dances from Terpsichore, vols 1, 3 and 5 a 4; vols 2, 4 and 6 a 5; ed. by Bernard Thomas.
rATTB or 2 cornetts + 2/3 sackbuts sLPM DM 11-16 (1986-9)
Pb dash; dash; 9 Branles from Terpsichore; ed by Gwylim Beechey. rS + k Schott 12274 (1988)
Pc dash; dash; 17 Dances; ed by Jaroslav Capek and Peter Pope. rS + g Schott 12254 (1985)
Pg dash; dash; Passamezzos and Galliards à 5-6 sLPM TM 69 (1986)
Pm i-vi dash; dash; 6 Tanzfolgen zu 4 & 5 Stimmen insbesondere für Blockflöten und andere Melodie-Instrumente hrsg. von Adolf Hoffmann 2 vols: vol 1: 1-3 à 4; vol. 2: 4-5 à 4 & 6 à 5 Wolfennbüttel, Möseler (1938)
Pr dash; dash; Tänze für Melodieinstrument (c Blockflöte), Gitarre und Bass. Auswahl und Einrichtunge des Gitarrensätzes von Josef Bacher. Cassel, Bärenreiter, BA1031 (1936)
Pt i-ii dash; dash; Dances from Terpsichore, selection; ed. by Bernard Thomas. vol 1: 13 dances à 4 rSATB;
vol 2 12 dances à 5 rSSATB Schott 12316-7 (1989)
Pw dash; dash; 4 Dances arr. for guitar by John Williams. Boosey (1979)
†PA Pattison, Bruce. Music and poetry of the English Renaissance. 2nd ed. Methuen (1970)
(ch. ix pp. 160-190. ‘Ballad and dance’ of particular relevance)
†PC* Pilkington, Michael. Campian, Dowland and the lutenist song writers Duckworth (1989)
†PD Poulton, Diana. John Dowland, revised ed. Faber (1982)
PE Percival, Rachel and Allen. The Court of Elizabeth I Stainer & Bell (1976)
Pegg, Bob. Folk: a portrait of English traditional music, musicians and customs (1976)
PG Phalèse, Pierre. Tänze des 16 Jhts, 2nd set. (Der Bläserchor 5) Moeck, 3605 (1965)
dash; dash; 14 Duets, treble recorder and guitar; ed. David Humpheys Lute Society 0905655117 ( )
PH PHILIPS, Peter. The lute intabulations; ed. by David Smith and John Robinson. facsimiles Lute Society (c1998)
PI Jane Pickering’s lute book. 1616 Facsimile [GB-Lbl Egerton MS 2046] Leeds, Boethius Press (1985)
(Reproductions of early music, with introduction by Robert Spencer) ?
PL PILKINGTON, Francis. Complete works for solo lute; ed. by Brian Jeffery. (Music for the lute, vol 3) OUP N8245 (1969)
PLj dash; dash; 5 pieces transcribed for solo guitar by Brian Jeffery. OUP (1970)
PM Pilkington, Michael, editor. English lute songs. 2 v (52 & 49 examples) Stainer & Bell, B616-7 (1984)
Playford, John. The English Dancing master. 1651, see under E
PN POULTON, Diana. An introduction to lute playing. Tablature and transcription Schott 10658 (1961)
PO dash; dash; English ballad tunes for the lute (Cambridge lute series, vol. 2) Cambridge, Gamut (1965)
POlist dash; dash; A list of printed lute music in the British Library. 2 parts LSJ xiii-xiv (1971-2)
PP PEERSON, Martin and PHILIPS, Peter. 5 Pieces from the Fitzwilliam Virginal book. rA+g Schott 10989 (1969)
†PS New Penguin edition of Shakespeare Penguin Books (1967-2005)
Purser, John. Scotland’s music: a history of the traditional music. Edinburgh, Mainstream Publishing (1992)
PW Pinciss, Gerald M. Why Shakespeare: an introduction to the playwright’s art continuum New York, Continuum (2005)
PY Payne, Ian. The Almain in Britain, c15449-c1675: a dance manual from manuscript sources. Alton, Hants, Dance Books (2003)
Ravenor, 3 Renaissance quartets OUP (1978 )
Rb Ravenscroft, Thomas. A Briefe Discourse on the True use of Charact’ring…in the Harmony of 4 voyces. 1614. Facsimile ed. by Ian Payne. (includes 15 relevant items) Boethius Press (1984)
Rd dash; dash; Deuteromelia. King Henry’s mirth or Freeman songs and such delightful catches. 1609. (17 catches à 3-4 and 14 threeman songs). Facsimile Scolar Press EM35 (1971)
Rm dash; dash; Melismata. Musical Phancies fitting the Court, Citie and Country Humours to 3, 4 and 5 Voyces. 1611. Facsimile Scolar Press EM34 (1971)
Rp dash; dash; Pammelia. Musick Miscellanie, or mixed variety of [52 ] pleasant roundelays and delightful catches of 3-10 parts. 1609. Facsimile Scolar Press EM36 (1971)
(RA) British Library. Royal Appendix 58 (copied c1547-55) [2 stave arrangements of consorts à 3]
RAd dash; dash; Dawes, Frank. 10 keyboard pieces by Hugh Aston et al. (Early Keyboard music, vol.1) Schott 5511 (1981)
RAl dash; dash; The 8 lute pieces Lute Society ( )
RAm dash; dash; Morrow, Michael, ed. 44 dances of the 16th century. 2 vols LPM DM2-3 ( )
RAn dash; dash; Newman, Joel. (12) 16th century Italian dances [for 4 recorders] Pennsylvania State University (1966)
RC i Rosenberg, Steve. The Recorder consort. vol 1: 47 pieces à 2-6 sBoosey (1978)
RC ii,iii dash; dash; vo1s 2-3. : 44, 40 pieces à 4-5. SATB, SAATBB etc sBoosey (1981, 1986)
RD dash; dash; and Stentiford, Graeme. Recorder and guitar: 25 pieces (usually S or A or T showing preference) Boosey 7344 (1978); Wellington, Price Milburn (1984)
RE Raven, Michael. 1000 English country dance tunes (including facsimile and transcription of E) priv. prin. 26 Church Lane, Derrington, Staffordshire (1973, 1984)
†RH Robinson, Clement. A Handfull of pleasant delites.1584; ed. Hyder. E. Rollins (1924)
(32 ballad poems of which 27 have current Elizabethan tunes specified)
RL Rosseter, Philip. Consort Lessons; ed. by Ian Harwood. Lute Society (in preparation)
Reconstruction for the original full broken consort
RM dash; dash; Complete works for lute solo; ed. Robert Spencer. Tablature Lute Society 0905155133 (1998)
RN Rooley, Anthony. A new variety of lute lessons. Tablature Musical New Service (EMI music) (1975)
RNcb dash; dash; The Compleat beginner: 50 pieces from the Holmes lute books (Lute series l) Early Music Centre (1977, 1985)
†RO Rollins, Hyder Edward. Old English ballads, 1553-1625 Cambridge University Press (1920)
RP dash; dash; 4 Elizabethan dances transcribed for solo guitar. OUP N8640 (1969)
RQ Ravenor, Terence B. 3 Renaissance quartets OUP (1978)
RR Ring, Layton. Renaissance songs and dances, 2 descants and treble reorders UE 12589 (1959)
RS* Robinson, Thomas. Schoole of Musicke. 1603. 2nd ed. by David Lumsden. Lute tablature & transcription. Paris, Editions du Centre National Scientifiique (1976)
RV Redlich, Hans F. Elizabethan virginal music Universal Edition UE11025 (1938)
RZ i,ii Rodgers, Philip. (20) Elizabethan melodies arr. for guitar; fingered by J. W. Duarte. 2v Schott GA 217-8 (1969)
Rowse, A. L. Prefaces to Shakespere plays Orbis (1984)
S Sternfeld, Frederick W. Music in Shakespearean Tragedy. 2nd ed. Routledge (1963); NY, Dover (1967)
(Essential work of reference. LH incorporates much of Sternfeld’s research in summary)
St dash; dash; (20) Songs from Shakespeare’s tragedies: a collection of songs for concert or domestic use, edited from
contemporary sources. Voice + keyboard sOUP (1964)
dash; dash; Shakespeare article in theNew Grove G7 xx 192-198
SA Sabol, Andrew J. 400 Songs and dances for the Stuart masque, with a supplement of 16 additional pieces. sHanover, University of New England (1982)
SA52-191 is a transcription of the 139 *Le Strange masque dance ms. part 2 (LM)
Sampson lute book Boethius (1974)
Sayce. Lynda 10 Tunes of Old Lonson; arr. for lute Sul Tasto (1991), Lute Society (1997)
SB Simpson, Claude M. The British broadside ballad and its music. New Brunswick, Rutgers University press (1966)
(Information absorbing much of the popular repertoire in manuscript and printed cited in full) Ssee also WN
S&B Stainer & Bell (giving edition number for a specific title when not incorporated in an anthology)
SC i-vi Sharp, Cecil J. The Country dance book, rev. ed. by Maud Karpeles. 6 vols. (177 tunes, description of the dances, steps and figures) Novello (1909-22)
SCd dash; dash; An introduction to English country dance containing description together with the tunes of 12 dances. Novello (c1933)
SCe dash; dash; English folk songs; ed. by Maud Karpeles, vol. 2 OUP (1974)
SCg i-vi – The English country dance. Graded series containing the description of the dances together with the tunes. 6 vols; Novello (1909-1911, R1927, 1951)
SCt i-ix dash; dash; Country dance tunes (with piano accompaniment arranged by Sharp). 12 vols Novello (1909-22)
dash; dash; dash; dash; Sets iii-viii, x & xi EP Publications (1934, 1976)
SCm dash; dash; Songs and incidental music in Midsummer Night’s Dream; arr. for 2-4 recorders Simpkin, Marshall (1914)
SD Statham, Heathcote D. 40 Sixteenth century rounds or catches for 3-10 voices. Stainer & Bell (1925)
†Seng Seng, Peter. The Vocal songs in the plays of Shakespeare, a critical history. Harvard University Press (1967)
(Fundamental reference source concerned to establish earliest known settings, most of which are too late to qualify for inclusion in our survey)
†SE Shakespeare’s England: an account of the life and manners of his age. 2 vols OUP (1916)
SF Stevens, Denis. The five songs in ‘As you like it’ Peters H1564 (1956)
SG Scheit, Karl. Music for Renaissance guitar UE 17250 (1980)
SH Shipley, R 6 Tudor songs, transposed from lute tablature for [soprano and] guitar Schott (1934)
Sisson, C. J. Music and masque; in Shakespeare works, 1954, pp xlvii-lii
†SJ Springfels, Mary. Music in Shakespeare’s plays. Encyclopedia Btitannica presents ‘Shakespeare and the Globe.Then and Now. 7 page article. April 2004 (with bibliography and discography)
SL Simpson, Adrienne. Easy lute music. Tablature and transcription (Music for the lute, vol. 7) OUP (1975)
†SM Stevens, John. Music of the Elizabethan stage, in Phyllis Hartnoll ‘Shakespeare in music’ Macmillan (1964)
Sorrell, Walter. Shakespeare and the dance. Shakespeare Quarterly viii (1957) 367-384
†SN Spink, Ian. English song, Dowland to Purcell. Batsford (1974)
†SP Spring, Matthew. The lute in Britain: a history of the instrument and its music OUP (2001)
†SQ Shakespeare Quarterly. Reference to articles
SR Simpson, Claude M. Elizabethan and Shakespearean music for recorders. E C Schirmer 2009 (1941)
†SS Shakespeare Survey. Reference to articles; see especially SS xvii 214-222 ‘Music and ballads’
ST Spencer, Robert. Tablature for 2 lutes (see also NT i – ii) Stainer &Bell, B487 (1983)
STg dash; dash; Elizabethan duets for 2 guitars, transcribed by Oscar Ohlson. S&B H146 (1973)
SU Susato, Tielman. Het derde musyck boexken …Danserye à 4 1551 spLPM 101b (c1993)
dash; dash; ed. by F. J. Giesbert. 2 vols Mainz, Schott, 2435-6 (1936)
SUb dash; dash; The Susato collection: 25 pieces for 4 recorders; ed by Larry Bernstein sLPM Dolce 108 ( )
SUd dash; dash; (8) Dances arr. for ATTB recorders Schott, 11437 (1983)
SUj dash; dash; A Suite of dances for brass quintet; edited by Philip Jones and Elgar Howarth Chester 55034 (1977)
SUr dash; dash; 5 Renaissance dances, arr. brass quintet by J. Iveson spChester JB22 (1975)
SWn SWEELINCK, Jan Pieterszoon. Opera omnia; ed. Frits Noske. vol. 1, fasc. 3. Keyboard works. 2nd ed. Amsterdam (1974)
SWm dash; dash; Werken voor Orgel en Clavecimbel; hrsg. von Max Seiffert Amsterdam, Alsbach (1943)
SZ Simpson, Thomas. Taffel-Consort à 4 (with continuo ad lib.) Hamburg 1621 spLPM TS1 (1988)
SZh dash; dash; Dances for recorder quintet; ed by W. E. Hettrich (SSATB) Galaxy ( )
SZl dash; dash; 9 Dances [1, 6, 8, 11,20, 31-2, 37, 50] arranged SSAB recorders and optional continuo LPM TM34 (1983)
SZm dash; dash; selection arranged SSAB recorders Moeck 273 ( )
TB Thomas, Bernard. 10 English ballad tunes in polyphonic settings à 4 or 5 recorders
[From part books (c.1600) GB-Lbl Add. MS 17786-9] sLPM TM 51 (1985)
TC dash; dash; Chansons rustiques of the Renaissance, vol. 1 à 3 voices or instruments sLPM PC20 (1999)
TD dash; dash; Renaissance pieces. Schott recorder anthology, vol. 4: Dance music à 3-5 sSchott 12390 (1991)
TE dash; dash; Renaissance pieces. Schott recorder anthology, vol. 6: English music à 3-6 sSchott 12392 (1991)
TR dash; dash; and Gingell, Jane. Renaissance dance book: dances from the 16th & early 17th centuries spLPM RDB 1 (1987)
Th Thysius Luytboek (NL-Lu Biblioteca Thysiana 166) ed. by J.P.N. Land. Amsterdam, Muller (1884)
Tv Tisdale, William. Virginal Book; 21 pieces; ed. by Alan Brown. c1600 S&B, K24 (1966)
Trumbull lute book, c1595; ed. by Robert Spencer Boethius (1980)
Tw Turbet, Richard. William Byrd, a guide to research, 2nd. ed. Routledge (2006)
†V Van den Borren, Charles. The sources of keyboard music in England. Novello (1913)
VA Vlasto, Jill 7 Anonymous Elizabethan rounds, S&B 5356 (1954)
VH Vincent, Charles. 50 Shakespeare songs for high voice (Nos. 1-14 of his time) New York, Ditson (1906)
VS i-ii Vallet, Nicolas. Le Secret des Muses. 2 vols 1615-6. 2nd ed. Paris, CNRS (1989)
W` Wilson, Christopher and Calore, M. Music in Shakespeare: a dictionary Continuum Publishing Group (2005)
Wa Wilson, Christopher. Shakespeare’s use of music, in Andrews John F, ed. William Shakespeare, life and works, 2v. pp. 417-424
†W7-12 dash; dash; Shakespeare’s ‘Fair viols, Sweet lutes, and Rude Pipes’ as Symbolic Musics in ‘Lute News: The Lute Society Magazine,’ 48, Dec. 1998
WA i-vi Warlock, Peter (pseud.) and Wilson, Philip. English ayres Elizabethan and Jacobean transcribed and edited from the original editions. 6 vols OUP (1927-31)
†WB dash; dash; The English ayre OUP (1926)
WD dash; dash; 6 English tunes OUP (1926)
WE i-iii dash; dash; Book(s) of Elizabethan songs for one voice and four stringed instruments to accompany. 3 vols OUP (1926)
WH Ward, John Milton. Music to A Handefulle of plesant delites 1584. JAMS x pp. 151-180 (1957)
WM i,ii dash; dash; Music for Elizabethan lutes (154 pieces much from US-Ws (Folger Shakespeare Library). OUP 3152649 (1992)
2 vols: 1. Text (essays on the important mss LO, RA and the John Johnson repertoire) 2 Transcription
WN dash; dash; Apropos The British Braodside ballad and its music, cf SB above
WL Wiegand, George, Lute improvisation, vol. 1; tablature and transcription by Rosemary Thornycroft NY, Schattinger (1977)
†WP Walls, Peter. Music in the English Court Masque 1604-40 OUP (1996)
WS Williams, John. Twelve 17th century songs arr. for middle voice and guitar. S&B SS62 (1962)
WT Wulstan, David. Tudor music J M Dent (1985)
WY Wickhambrook lute ms.; ed. by Daphne E R Stevens Yale UP (1963)
WZ Weinman, Matthew. Popular and sundry Elizabethan lute music. (Popular lute music, vol. 1.)
Z Zeitlin, Ralph William. Elizabethan music for recorders Ariel (1978)


Major dance, ballad and related sources

Included here are those sources whose contents are well represented in the anthologies surveyed, with approximate dating and indicating the symbols used in this survey. For details of modern publications see above (cf LSJ ix 1967 p. 22 and H.M. Fitzgibbon The lute books of Ballet and Dallis in ML xi, 1930, pp.73-4). Most of the contents of the earlier collections are anonymous. Adjustments have been made to dates of compilation (or publication) to accord with the latest researches of Matthew Spring and others. For fuller description *see NOTES section. [Page number in G7 xxiv Sources of lute/ keyboard/ consort music is indicated in square brackets].

Approx. date Symbol Number of pieces, short description Place of publication/ ms. shelf mark
1530-57 LPM Attaignant (publ.) The seven Livres de Dançeries à 4. Paris Paris, Attaignant [7, 26]
AD 1-7 (AD3-6 by GERVAISE and AD7 DU TERTRE)
1540-55 RA ‘The Henry VIII MS’ 26 anon. copied c.1547-5f3 incl. 8 lute pieces GB-Lbl Royal App. 58 [36, 52]
1550-58 LW Lumley part books 35 mostly Pavans and Galliard pairs in MB44 nos. 76-111 GB-Lbl Royal App. 74-6 [ ]
1551 SU SUSATO Het derde musycke boexken: Danserye à 4 Antwerp, Susato
1555 MB1 Mulliner Book 123 mainly in keyboard notation, with 11 for cittern GB-Lbl. Add. MS 30513 [36]
1559-71 LO Giles Lodge lute book 38, copied c1559-76 US-Ws Folger Shakespeare Library V.a.159 (olim 448.16) [53]
1570 DB *Dublin virginal ms. 30 simple pavanes, galliardes and other dances EIRE-Dtc D 3.30 part 2 (olim 410/2) [37]
1583 DL *Dallis lute book 288, incl. 142 dances; 63 passamezzos, 25 galliards; part songs; 20 lute songs, 8 songs with pandora; many quadro pavans and galliardes EIRE-Dtc D 3.30 part 1 (olim 410/1) [53]
1584 WH Clement Robinson et al. A Handefull of plesant delites. 32 broadside ballad texts first published 1566 but lost and 2nd ed. 1575 incomplete (cf DO 22) (cf. John Ward article on the music to be sung to the ballads. JAMS x (1957) 151-180). London
1585 CH Cambridge lute book 310 for lute, 54 for bandora, copied by Mathew Holmes [LSJ x (1968) 15-32 lists contents with concordances and 4 facsimiles] GB-Cu D d 2.11 [53]
1588 AR *ARBEAU Orchésographie, (cf. John Ward cf JLSoA ix (1967) 4-29 (Inventory p. 18-29) Langres, Jehan des Preyz [7]
1591 BY BYRD My Ladye Nevells Book’42 virginal pieces [37]
FD ‘Dowland’ lute book 44 mainly by Dowland, J & R Johnson, Alison US-Ws Folger Shakespeare Library V. b. 280 (olim 1610.1) [53]
1595 BA *Ballet lute book 71, incl. 32 late 16c ballad tunes EIRE-Dtc 408/1 (olim D 1.21 part 1) [ ]
1595 Trumbull lute book 26 solos, 10 duets, 2 consorts Boethius (1980)
1595-1600 Brogyntyn ms. 24 consort song accompaniments GB-Ab Brogyntyn 27
1596 BB William Barley A new Booke of Tabliture for the orpharion, 7 lute, 14 orpharion and 10 bandora pieces, many by CUTTING [ ]
1597 HC HOLBORNE Cittharn School: 58 pieces for cittern and bass viol London [19]
1599 H HOLBORNE 65 Pavans, Galliards, Almains à 5 London [18]
M MORLEY Consort Lessons 25 pieces for *broken consort London [18]
TB (Thomas) English ballad tunes in ensemble settings GB-Lbl. Add. MS 17786-9
1600 CC Holmes cittern ms. [50 anonymous settings] GB-Cu D d 4.23
1603 RS ROBINSON Schoole of musicke: 32 lute solos and 3 duets London [54]
1604 DA John DOWLAND Lachrymae: 21 dances for 5 viols and lute London [18]
1605 DY Dublin lute ms. 63 ballad tunes in simple settings (Ms. was bound together with BA (see 1595) EIRE-Dtc 408/2 (olim D 1.21 part 2) [53]
1609 Rp RAVENSCROFT Pammelia: 100 roundelaies and *catches à 3-10’ London
Rd RAVENSCROFT Deuteromelia: 14 *freemans songs and *17 catches London
RL ROSSETER Consort Lessons London [19]
1609-19 F *Fitzwilliam virginal book; transcribed by Francis Tregian, 297 pieces many based on current popular ballad tunes and dances GB-Cfm 32.g.29
1610 DR Robert DOWLAND A Varietie of lute lesson’: 42 dances: 7 each of a) Fantasias, b) Pavins, c) Galliards, d) Allemains, e) Corantos and f) Volts [54]
1611 Rm RAVENSCROFT Melismata: Musical Phansies to 3-5 voyces London
1612 P PRAETORIUS Terpsichore 310 mostly French dances à 4-6
1614 Rb RAVENSCROFT A Briefe Discours 20 masque dances à 4 London
1615 BL i Swarland song book includes theatre pieces and 7 lute pieces GB-Lbl Add MS 15117 [37]
BL iii Giles Earle his booke (treble and bass) GB-Lbl Add MS 24665 [54]
1615, 1616 VS VALLET, Nicolas Le Secret des Muses. Lute pieces 2 vols. Amsterdam [52]
1616 PI Jane Pickeringe lute book [66 solos, 15 duets] GB-Lbl Egerton 2046
1617 BN BRADE Newe außerlesene liebliche Branden: 25 *masque dances à 5, includes LM 22, 50-51, 70, 85, 135-8 with different titles and 13 other dances Lübeck
1620 Th Thysius lute book Ballad tunes in lute versions NL-Lu Thysiana Bibliotek 166
1620-5 BO Board lute book Board lute book, 100 lute solos.
1620-60 GE (Gervers) 30 English court and country dances for keyboard US-NYp Drexel 5612 [37]
1621 SZ SIMPSON Taffel-Consort à 4: 50 pieces Hamburg
AC ADSON Courtly *masquing ayres: 21 à 5; 10 à 6 London [18]
1624 LM *Le Strange ms. [139 *masque dances à 2] (cf. Pamela Willetts ‘Sir Nicholas Lestrange’s collection of masque musc’ BMQ xxix 79) GB-Lbl Add. MS 10444 part 2
1626-9 Straloch lute ms. (original source lost) partial copy in GB-En 5.2.18
1635 MP (Maas) English pastime music: 83 keyboard versions F-Pn Rés 1186 & 1186 bis [38]
1651 E PLAYFORD English dancing master includes earlier *country dances London


Addresses of Music publishers

Addresses (and agencies given in curves) are those for The United Kingdom unless otherwise shown.

Allegro Music, 82 Suffolk St., Queensway, Birmingham, BI ITA (OUP/Novello reissues)
Alex Ayre Music Services, Chesham Bucks, HP5 1RB
Ariel Music, Sibford Ferris, Banbury, Oxon, OX15 5RG
Bärenreiter-Verlag„ Heinrich Schütz-Allee 35, D34131, Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe {PF 102180, D34021, Kassel} (UK sales; Fa-hire]
Bärenreiter (UK), Burnt Mill, Elizabeth Way, Harlow Essex CM20 2 HX (Fa-rental)
Belwin Mills Corporation, Melville, New York, NY11747 (Mac)
Boethius Press, c/o Severinus Press, Sutton St. Nicholas, Hereford, HR1 3BF (Reproductions of early music. Leeds
Bo Boosey and Hawkes, The Hyde, Edgware Rd., London, NW9 6JN; 295 Regent St., London, W1R JH
Brass Press, 136 Eighth Ave., Nashville, TN 37203
Br Breitkopf & Härtel, Walkmühlstraße 52, PF1707, D-6200, Wiesbaden 1 (Winter/ UE)
Broadbent and Dunn ltd., 12 Tudor Court, London, E17 8ET
Cha Chappell & Co., (Warner Group), see Maecenas for UK distribution
Che J & W Chester & Co., 8-9 Frith St., London, WI V5 5TZ (MS)
Corda Music, 183 Beach Rd., St Albans, Herts, AL3 9AN
J B Cramer, 23 Garrick St., London WC2 9AX (El)
Da Capo Press (Europspan), 3 Henrietta St., WC2E 8LU
Dance Books, The Old Bakery, 4 Lenten Street, Alton, Berks, GU34 IHG
Dolce Edition, 15 Rock St., Brighton, Sussex, BN2 1NF
EMF Early Music Facsimiles, James A. Yeager, 1433 Grand View Ave., Columbus OH 43212
Early Music Shop, 38 Manningham Lane, Bradford, Yorks., BD1 3EA (=Moeck UK)
EMI Music Publishing, 127 Charing Cross Rd., London, WC2 HOEA
EFK E F Kalmus, see Gee/Mae
Fa Faber & Co., 3 Queen St., London, WC1 3AU (& Bärenreiter, Burnt Mill, Elizabeth Way, Harlow Essex CM20 2HX
Samuel French, 52 Fitzroy St., London, W1P 6JR
Galaxy Music Corporation, 13 West 86th Rd., New York, NY 100224 (El)
Han Wilhelm Hansen AS, Gothersgarde 9-11, DK 123, Copenhagen (MS)
Harvard University Press, 79 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138-9904
Hei Heinrichshofen/ Noetzel, Liebigstraße 16, {PF620}, D-26389, Wilhelmsgafen (P)
Hi Hinrichsen Edition (=Peters) (P)
Ho Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag, Ubierstraße 20, D-65719, Hofheim-am-Taunus (El)
Brian Jordan, 10 Green St., Cambridge, CB2 3JU
(UE) Alfred A. Kalmus, 38 Eldon Way, Paddock Wood, TN12 6BE (UE sales)
RK Robert King, 7 Canton St., Northeastern, MA 02356 (UMP)
KM King’s Music, Recroft, Banks End, Wyton, Huntingdon, Cambs., PE17 2AA
LGB London Gabrieli Brass Edition, {PO Box 1825, London, N20 9NU}
LPM London Pro Musica, 15 Rock St., Brighton, Sussex, BN2 1NF/ PO box 188 Bradford BD1 3XT
The Lute Society, Southside Cottage, Brook Hill, Albury, Guildford, GU5 9DJ
Mae Maecenas, 5 Bushey Close, Old Barn Lane, Kenley, Surrey, CR8 5AU (Belwin/Cha)
Hermann Moeck, Hans-Heinrich-Warnkestraße 14, D-29227, Celle {PF3131, D-29231 Celle}(EMS)
Karl Heinrich Möseler Verlag, Hoffmann von Fallerslebenstraße 8-10, {PF 1460}, D-3340 Wolfenbüttel
MDS Music Distribution Services ltd., Brunswick Rd., Ashford, Kent, N23 1DX (Schott, AA Kalmus: UE and their associated companies and agencies)
MPHC Music Publishers Holding Corporation, 448 Madison Ave., New York
MS Music Sales, 8-9 Frith St., London WI V 5TZ (showroom); Newmarket Rd., Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, IPP33 3Y (distribution)
MR Musica rara, Le Traversier, Chemin de la Buire, F-84170, Monteux, France (UE)
Nova Music, Goldsmid Mews, 15a Farm Rd., Hove, Sussex, BN3 1FB (Fa)
Novello & Co., Block 7, Unit 3, Vestry Estate, Otford Rd., Sevenoaks, Kent, TN45 EL (MS)
Oriel Library, Cathy Gaskell, 32 The Burbage, Market Drayton, Salop., TF9 IEG
P C F Peters Musikverlag, Kennedallee 101, D-60595 {PF 700906}, D-6000, Frankfurt 70
P Peters Edition, 10-12 Baches St., London, N1 6DN
P C F Peters Corporation, 373 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 100126
Regina Music, Music Exchange (M/C) ltd., Claverton Rd., Wythenshawe, M23 9ZA
Ri G Ricordi & co., S.p.a. Via Salomone 77, 20138 Milan {CP1262, I-20121}; Kiln House, 5th floor, 210 New Kent Rd., SW8 4NZ (Bo)
E C Schirmer, 138 Ipswich St., Boston, MA02215 (El)
S Musikverlag B. Schott’s Sohne, Weihergarten 5, PF 3640, D-55026, Mainz 1
S Schott/ Universal Edition, 48 Gt. Marlborough St., London, W1 V 2BN (showroom); A A Kalmus, 38 Eldon Way, Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6BE (sales MDS)
SSL Silver Sound publs. Richard Darcie , 2735 Ganges Place, Davis, California 95016
UE Universal Edition (London) Ltd., 48 Gt. Marlborough St., WI V 2BN (showroom)


Index to editors and joint-authors in the Key

Names of editors or authors of other publications which appear in the Key under their own names are shown with an asterisk.

Abraham, Gerald NOHM iv
Andrews, Hilda BY
Apel, Willi HM
Andrews, Hilda BY
Bacher, Josef Pr
Barlow, Jeremy Eb
Barington, Daines Hb
Beaumont, Cyril ARb
Beck, Sydney M
Beechey, Gwyllim LMb, Pb
Behrend, Siegfried Di, Ds, Dt
Bergmann, Walter BYm
*Bernstein, Larry DAb, SUb
Bloch, R P Ha
Bloodworth, Denis Fb
Bonsor, Brian Er
Born, M. L. ACb
Brett, Philip BYc, MB22
Brown, Alan MB27-28, MB55, Tv
Brown, John Russell OT
Burley, Raymond Db
*Caldwell, John MB66
Cameron, Francis MB19
*Capek, Jaroslav Pc
Casey, William M
Coates, William MB9
Craxton, Harold Fc
Creighton, Robert MP
*Dart, Thurston BYf, EL, Fa, FAd, GHg, Hd, Md, MB9, MB19c, M9s
*Davis, Alan Hl
Davison, Archibald HM
*Dawes, Frank MB1a, MB1t, RAd
Dean-Smith, Margaret E
*Dinn, Freda ARd
Doe, Paul MB44, MB45
*Dolmetsch, Carl HE
Duarte, John W BUd, BYd, DRd, Fd, Fe, FAf, FAg, MB1d, RZ
*Dupré, Desmond Dg
Edwards, Warwick DA, MB40
Evans, Mary Stuart ARe
*Fellowes, Edmund H Df, EH, EMS
Fitzgibbon, H Macaulay BA
Fuller-Maitland, John Alexander F
Gammie, Ian Hg
Gardner, Ward Fg
Gaskell, Ian BNg
*Gervaise, Claude AT
Giegling, Franz DA
Giesbert, Franz Julius Eh, SU
Gingell, Jane TR
Glyn, Margaret GHg
Goodwin, Christopher DLg
Greer, David ACg, EL
Harrison, George Bagshaw. Dent
*Harwood, Ian RL
Hendrie, Gerald GH, MB20
Hettich, Johann SZh
Hilmera, Jiří Jb
Hirsch, O LMh
Hoffmann, Adolf Pm
Holmes, Matthew CH
*Howarth, Elgar HE, SUj
*Hunt, Edgar H DA, DAh, DR, Eh Hf, Hh, Hi
Illing, Robert AR
Iveson, John SUr
*Jeffery, Brian CFj, Dl, HBj, PL, PLj
Jones, Philip SUj
Jordan, Brian Dj
Kallmeyer, Ernst P
Kanazawa, Masakata HB, HC
Karpeles, Maud SC
Keetman, Gunild Ek
Kilvington, Christopher Dk
Klaes, Arnold BYk
Lam, Basil D
Land, J P N Th
Ledger, Philip OBEM
Lester, Bryan DZ, Hl
Long, Martin CF
*Lumsden, David JE, RS
Macfarren, George A. C
Maitland, J. A. Fuller F
Marks, Roy Hm
Marlow, Richard MB24
Marshall, Nicholas Fm, Fq
Maynard, Paul GS
Meech, Michael Em
Mönkemeyer, Helmut ATp, Hc
Morrow, Michael RAm
*Murray, Dom Gregory FAm
*Naylor, Edward W Fn
*Neighbour, Oliver BYs
Newcomb, Wilburn BB
Nicholson, Richard DW, Hn
*North, Nigel BYng, BYnl
Noske, Fritz SWn
Orgel, Stephen DG
Orphee, Matanya JJ
Orr, Peter Dart
Parkinson, Anthony Hp
Payne, Ian Rd
Petti, Anthony CB
Phalèse, Pierre GT
Pope, Michael Douglas LMz
Pope, Peter Pc
*Poulton, Diana D, Dp, DRd
Quine, Henry BUq, BYq
Raba, Margaret Fr
Reeve, Pater GD
*Ring, Layton ACr
Robinson, John PH
*Rollins, Hyder Edward RH
Ronnefeld, Minna Ek
*Rooley, Anthony CHr
Sadie, Stanley G
Sayce, Lynda Es
Scheit, Karl De, Dh, Ds
Schwarz, Gerard Ralph Hs
Seiffert, Max SWm
Siebert, Friedrich Hd
Smith, David MB75, PL
*Spencer, Robert OE
Squire, William Barclay F
Steele, Jonathan MB19, MB19s
Stentiford, Graeme RD
*Sternfeld, Frederick W C, EF
*Stevens, Denis MB1, MB1s, MB4,
*Stevens, John MB18, MB36
Sundermann, Albert Ja
Sutton, Julia ARe, Caroso
Swindale, Owen Fs
Taylor, Stanley Ft
Thatcher, David Gooch
*Thomas, Bernard BNd, BNt, DBt, Et, H, LMw, Pt
Tregian, Francis F
Walls, Peter AC, LMw
*Ward, John Milton DB, Johnson
Wick, Steven DAw
Williams, John Pw
Wooldridge, H Ellis CW
Wyatt, Theo LW
Zweers, John A HP, LMz


Index showing instrumentation for scores and parts

Anthologies of a mixed nature are not included here.

bandora HB
brass consort à 4 Pii, Piv, Pvi
brass consort à 5 ACb, ACg, DAw, GD, H, Ha, Hd, Hs, HD, HF, Pii, Piv, Pvi
consort (mixed or ‘broken’ or unspecified instrumentation)
à 2 LM, LMw, SCm
à 3 LMh, MB9, MB9s, MB18, MB44, MB45, P, SCm
à 4 AT, DBt, Et, Hg, HD, LMh, MB1f, MB9, MB18, MB18d, MB44, MB45, P, PG, SCm, SU, SZ
à 5 AC, BN, HD. HG, HN, LMh, M, Md, MB9, MB44, MB45, P, SUj, SUr, SZ
à 6 AC, MB40, P
à 7 MB44, MB45
cittern CC, CCp, HC
guitar (arrangements of lute music) BG, BYng, CFj, CR, Db, Dd, De, Dj, Dk, Dp, Dt, DRd, DU, Fd, FAg, HBj, HZ, Johnson, JH, NR, Pw, PLj, RP, RZ
2 guitars (arrangements of lute) BUq, BYq, Fe, GT, JG, OE
3-4 guitars (arrangements of lute) GT
instrument (non specfic) E, Eb, RE, SC, SCg
keyboard (virginals; piano) BUk, BY, BYa, BYf, BYs, DB, DV, F, Fa, Fc, FAd, FE, GE, GH, GHg, MB1, MB1a, MB1s, MB19, MB19s, MB20, MB24, MB27, MB28, MB55, MB66, MB75, MP, RA RAd, RV, SCt, SWl, SWm, Tv
lute tablature (without transcription) BA, BB, CH, CHr, DL, DY, FD, LO, PI, RL?, RN
lute (transcription of tablature) BYnl, CF, D, Ds, DR, Es, HB, HT, Ja, JE, LU, NM, PL, PO, RAl, RS, Th, WM
2 lutes John Johnson,LR, NT, SL, ST, WM
part song (madrigal, canon) CB, EMS, GR, MA, MB4, MB36, OBEM, Rb, Rd, Rm, Rp, SD, TC, VA
recorder CT, DNt, Er, HO
recorder + guitar BUd, BYd, DZ, FAf, LMz, MB1d, Pc, PP, RD
recorder + keyboard BJ, DD, DE, DX, Fr, FL, HU, Jb, LMb, MG, Pb
recorder consort à 2 ARd, Fb, RC i
recorder consort à 2 + guitar Hl, Pr
recorder consort à 2 + 2 guitars DT
recorder consort à 2 + keyboard MA
recorder consort à 3 BE, Eh, Em, Fm, Fs, FAm, HE, HR, Jb, MB1t, RA, RC i, RR, TC, TD, TE, TR
recorder consort à 3 + side drum Ek
recorder consort à 4 ATp, BCi, BYk, BYm, CM, DAb, DC, ET, Fg, Fq, Ft, HD, HP, LW, MC, ND, Pi, Piii, Pv, Pm i-v, Pt i, RC, SUb, SZl, SZm, TB, TD, TE, TR
recorder consort à 4 + keyboard DP
recorder consort à 5 ACb, ACr, ATp, BCii, BNd, BNg, BNt, BYm, CJ, DAb, DAh, DQ, H, Hb, Hc, Hf, Hh, Hi, Hm, Hn, Hp, Hq, Pii, Piv, Pvi, Pg, Pm vi, Pt ii, RC, SZh, TB, TD, TE, TR
recorder consort à 5 + lute DA
recorder consort à 6 AC, ACr, Pg, RC i
song C, CW, G, HS, SF
song with guitar CE, Dg, Dh, Dl, DS, K, NR, SH, WS
song with keyboard C, CW, FV, HS, MA, St
song with lute (tablature) DLg, EF, LSME
song with lute (transcription) Df, EL, GR, PM, WA
song with recorder + guitar Di
consort song BYc, MB22, WE
consort song (with recorders) DM
string consort à 4 ARi
string consort à 5 ACb
viol DN
viol consort à 4 HD
viol consort à 5 DW, LWd, LWe
viol consort (with lute) DA


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